Course name Biotechnology
Study-unit Code 55606012
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Stefano Bruscoli
CFU 12
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2024/25
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code A000417
Lecturer Stefano Bruscoli
  • Stefano Bruscoli
  • 57 ore - Stefano Bruscoli
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector BIO/14
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Pharmacological modulation of the immune system and of cellular and molecular functions.
Reference texts - F. Rossi, V. Cuomo, C. Riccardi, Pharmacology: Basic principles and therapeutic applications, Fifth Edition, published by Minerva Medica -

F. Clementi, G. Fumagalli, General and Molecular Pharmacology, Fifth Edition, UTET
Educational objectives This course aims to provide objective, in addition to the basic concepts on pharmacology, more detailed and current knowledge about cellular and molecular mechanisms of drug action. For a more modern therapeutic application, you provide information on the pharmacological modulation of cellular responses, aspects of molecular receptors on the modulation of intracellular signal transduction mechanisms and pharmacological modulation of gene expression.
Prerequisites In order to achieve the intended learning outcomes of the student must have a solid background in anatomy , physiology and general pathology . It must also comply with the prerequisites in the Academic Regulations.
Teaching methods Theoretical lectures and practical and virtual laboratories
Other information The course rate is not mandatory but is recommended.
Learning verification modality The test is written, as follows:
The written exam consists of a number of multiple choice quiz with five possible answers of which only one is correct ;

For the evaluation of the test takes into account the following criteria :

- 1 point for each correct answer ;

- 0 points for each incorrect answer ;

- 0 points for each question not answered ;

The total exam duration time is 45 minutes.

The written exam is preliminary to the oral examination. An oral examination is accepted with a written test score higher than or equal to 18/30.
Extended program Modulation of gene expression. Pharmacologic modulation of immune system: NSAIDs, SAIDs and immunosuppressive drugs.
Pharmacologic control of transport through cell membranes.
Proteolysis control.
Cell proliferation control.
Cell metabolism control.
Pharmacologic control of synaptic function. Drugs and microbioma.
Gene editing.
Epigenetics in pharmacology.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Health and wellness.
Gender equality.
Reduce inequalities.


Code A000416
Lecturer Stefano Bruscoli
  • Stefano Bruscoli
  • 42 ore - Stefano Bruscoli
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector BIO/14
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course will provide the basics of pharmacology and will propose not only the drug as a therapeutic tool, but also as a means of investigation to deepen knowledge about biological phenomena at the cellular and molecular level in order to design new drugs
Reference texts - F. Rossi, V. Cuomo, C. Riccardi, Pharmacology: Basic principles and therapeutic applications, Fifth Edition, published by Minerva Medica
- F. Clementi, G. Fumagalli, General and Molecular Pharmacology, Fifth Edition, UTET
Educational objectives This course aims to provide objective, in addition to the basic concepts on pharmacology, more detailed and current knowledge about cellular and molecular mechanisms of drug action. For a more modern therapeutic application, you provide information on the pharmacological modulation of cellular responses, aspects of molecular receptors on the modulation of intracellular signal transduction mechanisms and pharmacological modulation of gene expression.In particular, the biotechnology skills that are expected are: Knowledge and understanding of techniques for the production, analysis and control of drugs obtained through biotechnological processes; Knowledge of the general principles of pharmacology in relation to the design of drugs and, in general, of bioactive molecules obtained through biotechnological processes.
Structure and biological properties of cells and animal and plant tissues.
Prerequisites In order to achieve the intended learning outcomes of the student must have a solid background in anatomy , physiology and general pathology . It must also comply with the prerequisites in the Academic Regulations.
Teaching methods Theoretical lectures and practical and virtual laboratories
Other information The course rate is not mandatory but is recommended.
Learning verification modality The test will be in a written form, as follows:
The written exam consists of a number of multiple choice quiz with five possible answers of which only one is correct ;

For the evaluation of the test takes into account the following criteria :

- 1 point for each correct answer ;

- 0 points for each incorrect answer ;

- 0 points for each question not answered ;

The total exam duration time is 45 minutes.

The written exam is preliminary to the oral examination. An oral examination is accepted with a written test score higher than or equal to 18/30.
Extended program General Principles
Definition of medication
Origin and classification of drugs

Features of the main cellular barriers
Passage of drugs across cell membranes
General Rules on the absorption of drugs
Routes of administration
Enteral routes
Parenteral systemic routes
Other routes
Absorption, bioavailability
Absorption kinetics
Apparent volume of distribution
Plasma protein binding of drugs
Factors that influence the speed distribution
General principles
Enzymatic reactions of phase I
Phase II enzymatic reactions
Factors that may affect drug metabolism
Enzyme induction and repression
The concept of half-life
Renal excretion of drugs
Hepatic excretion and enterohepatic

Main pharmacokinetic parameters

Molecular structure of receptors and mechanisms of signal transduction
The receptor channel
G protein-coupled receptors
The receptors for growth factors
The receptors for cytokines
Receptors that mediate cell adhesion
Intracellular receptors
Drug-receptor interaction
Features of the interaction drug-receptor
Relation between drug-receptor interaction and quantitative responses to drugs

Agonists, antagonists, partial agonists and inverse
Dose-response curves and curves quantal
Affinity, potency, efficacy, therapeutic index
Modulation of receptor responses
Mechanisms of tolerance and addiction to drugs

Special Pharmacology, examples of some classes of drugs
Factors affecting drug response
Factors related to the drug
Factors related to patient
Drug interactions

Research and drug development
Research strategies
The research phases
The stages of development

Biotech drugs
Development of biotech drugs
Production of drugs and genetic engineering
The main biotech drugs in use;
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Health and wellness.
Gender equality.
Reduce inequalities.