Course name Biotechnology
Study-unit Code A001559
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Stefano Giovagnoli
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2024/25
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code 55057506
Lecturer Stefano Giovagnoli
  • Stefano Giovagnoli
  • 21 ore - Stefano Giovagnoli
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector CHIM/09
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Introduction to the chemistry and thermodynamics of polymers. Biopolymer concept, properties and characterization methods.
Applications in the Pharmaceutical and Biomedical fields.
Reference texts The material needed is provided by the teacher- slides and scientific publications in international journals
Educational objectives The course provides a theoretical knowledge of biomaterials and biopolymers used as carriers and support systems for drugs and biological systems.
Knowledge-The knowledge to be acquired by the student concerns the basics of biopolymer chemistry and technology. in particular the student will have to demonstrate to have understood the nature of the polymers in clinical use and the problems related to their properties, and to show that they have understood the selection criteria of these materials in pharmaceutical and biomedical use.
Skills - the student will have to acquire the decision-making ability on the considered choice of the appropriate polymer in relation to the type of therapeutic target and the type of pathology. Moreover, he will have to develop the ability to study the topic in an autonomous way and discuss the literature of the sector.
Prerequisites In order to guarantee a sufficient level of learning, the student must have acquired knowledge of organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry. Furthermore, basic knowledge of biochemistry and basic physiology and some histological aspects are fundamental. In particular, a basic knowledge of thermodynamics and physical chemistry is required. This knowledge is important due to the multidisciplinary nature of the course that ranges from biological systems to technologies applied to medicinal forms. In this regard, a deepening of the concepts underlying the useful approaches to drug delivery is suggested. Some of these targeted aspects will be addressed at the beginning of the course.
Teaching methods The course consists of classroom lectures on topics with special attention to involve the student to retrieve and evaluate the basic knowledge necessary for learning. For this purpose, the slides of the course and literature on recent scientific advances in the field will be provided. This is believed necessary given the lack of a reference text to didactic scope of the student. Both the multi-disciplinary course and the advanced level of the didactic material that the student has available require continuous support from the teacher to verify that the student has the right level of understanding of the topics discussed. In addition, the course includes a period of continuous updating due to the rapid progress in the field that is carried out through analysis of the scientific literature.
Other information Upon request by the students, support activities will be carried out after the course to develop certain aspects of the course to be agreed with the students and help the students in the activity of connection of prior knowledge and necessary learning and new knowledge gained during the course.
This activity will be held at the Center of Biotechnology in via del Giochetto
Learning verification modality Oral examinations, consisting of questions relating to theoretical aspects inherent to the topics dealt with during the course and aimed at ascertaining their knowledge and understanding on the part of the student, as well as the ability to present their content; in particular the student will have to demonstrate to have understood the nature of the polymers in clinical use and the problems related to their properties, and to show that they have understood the selection criteria of these materials in pharmaceutical and biomedical use. Such aspects are a fundamental requisite for biotechnologist professional formation. Furthermore, the student's ability to study the topic independently and discuss the literature of the sector will also be evaluated.
Extended program Definition of biomaterials and biopolymers- classes of polymers, properties and characterization: natural, semisynthetic and synthetic. Polysaccharides, lipids, polyacrylates, polyesters, polyoxyethylens and propylene. Description of the main polymers used as excipients- role of the excipient- principle of drug delivery and modified release systems- overview. Examples of last generation oral drug delivery systems and micro and nanoparticle systems for parenteral use.


Code A000989
Lecturer Serena Massari
  • Serena Massari
  • 21 ore - Serena Massari
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector CHIM/08
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course offers information on the essential principles of pharmaceutical chemistry with particular attention to the phases of drug design and development, chemical-physical and structural properties, structure activity relationships, mechanisms of action and biological targets on which they act, and uses in therapy of drugs belonging to the main therapeutic classes.
Reference texts Lecture notes;
Lemke, T.L.; Williams, D.A. Foye's Principi di Chimica Farmaceutica. VI Ed. Italiana. Piccin (Padova)
Graham L. Patrick. Chimica Farmaceutica Edizione Integrata a cura di G. Costantino. 2015. EdiSES (Napoli)
Gasco A.; Gualtieri, F.; Melchiorre C. Chimica Farmaceutica. I Ed. 2015. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana (Milano)
Educational objectives The part of the course related to the introduction to pharmaceutical chemistry aims to provide the fundamental notions regarding the various phases of drug development, from the design to the marketing. The part related to specific drug classes aims to provide the basis for understanding the structure-activity relationship.
Teaching methods Lectures.
Learning verification modality The exam entails an oral interview of about 30-40 minutes. The oral exam is aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge reached by the student on the theoretical contents reported in the program, the capacity for logical reasoning, the ability to communicate with an appropriate language.
Extended program Introduction to Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
The discovery and development of new drugs.
Chemical/physical and structural properties of drugs and their biological activity.
Pharmacokinetics: absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination of a drug.
Molecular mechanisms of drugs: drug-target interactions and bonds involved.
Target drugs: receptors, enzymes and nucleic acids.
Structure-activity relationships (SAR).
Optimization of drug-target interaction.

During the discussion of the aforementioned topics, different clases of drugs will be reported, such as antibiotics, antivirals, anti-inflammatories, antihypertensives, etc.
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