Course name Mathematics
Study-unit Code 55A00065
Curriculum Matematica per le applicazioni industriali e biomediche
Lecturer Renzo Campanella
  • Renzo Campanella
  • 42 ore - Renzo Campanella
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector FIS/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The most important methods of medical imaging are presented: radiography, TC, SPECT, PET, MRI, Ecography. For each of them the main characteristics will be explained: how the image is formed, the limits of the technique, its advantages and drawbacks. Finally the bases of functional imaging methods, both fMRI and PET, will be given.
Reference texts P. Suetens: "Fundamentals of Medical Imaging"; C.U.P.; Cambridge (2002)
Material downloadable at:
Educational objectives Understanding of the physical phenomena on which the imaging methods rely. Capability of describing and analyzing the employed methods nell' imaging doctor and the relative equipment. Capability of choosing the diverse3 technical of imaging the searched information, and of their advantages and contraindications.
Prerequisites Basic elements of classical and modern physics
Teaching methods The course consist of face-to-face lectures on all subjects
Other information The teacher can be reached at the university email address.
Students with disabilities are welcome to contact privately the teacher with regards to any specific aid during the course or for the examination.
Learning verification modality Oral examination
Extended program Introduction: basics of digital imaging: resolution, contrast, noise
Electromagnetic radiation spectrum; radiation-matter interaction: Rayleigh scattering, photoelectric effect, Compton effect, pair production.
Elements of atomic physics: absorption, spontaneous and stimulated emission, Zeeman effect.
X ray imaging: Linear absorption coefficient - Radiography - Radiography detectors: Screen-film, image intensifiers - Digital radiography detectors - Fluoroscopy
Computed Tomography: Principles of tomography - Houndsfield units (H.U.) - Outline of a TC scanner - Narrow beam scanner (1st and 2nd generation) - Wide beam scanner (3rd and 4th generation) - Electron beam TC (5th generation) - Spiral TC - Projection theorem - Backprojection - Filtered backprojection
Nuclear imaging: Nuclear decays - The gamma camera (SPECT) - Positron Emission Tomography (PET) - Coincidence detection - Correction for the attenuation - Time-Of-Flight PET - Detectors for PET - Artifacts
Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) - Motion of a spin in a magnetic field - Macroscopic magnetization - Radio frequency pulses - The Free Induction Decay (FID) - NMR spectrum - Relaxation times - Basic sequences: Spin-Echo and Inversion Recovery - Magnetic field gradient - Selective excitation - Projections - Projection-Reconstruction - Fourier Imaging (2DFT) - K Space - The contrast in a MR image - Multi-slice Imaging - Fast sequences: FLASH, Echo Planar (EPI) - CINE Sequences - MRI contrast agent - BOLD Contrast: functional imaging - Angiography - Diffusion imaging
Ultrasounds imaging - Principles and characteristics