Course name Physics
Study-unit Code A002520
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Astrofisica e astroparticelle
Lecturer Nicola Tomassetti
  • Nicola Tomassetti
  • 42 ore - Nicola Tomassetti
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector FIS/05
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Heliophysics; physics of space plasma; energetic particles; Sun-Earth relations; space weather; space missions, measurements, and methods.
Reference texts M. B. Kallenrode, "Space Physics - An Introduction to Plasmas and Particles in the Heliosphere and Magnetospheres", 2004 Springer.
C. T. Russell, J. G. Luhmann, R. J. Srangeway, “Space Physics - An Introduction”, 2017 Cambridge University Press
Educational objectives Knowledge of heliospheric and interplanetary phenomena, Sun-Earth relations and space weather. Understanding of basic plasma astrophysics processes. Acceleration and transport of energetic particles.
Prerequisites Basic physics, classical electrodynamics, special relativity, calculus.
Teaching methods Lecture
Learning verification modality Colloquium
Extended program Introduction to space plasma; solar and heliospheric, and magnetospheric plasma. Kinetic theory, orbit theory, adiabatic invariants. Elements of electrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics; lfvén's frozen-in theorem; magnetic reconnection. The Earth magnetic field. Radiation in low Earth orbit, the south atlantic anomaly, the Van Allen belts. Sun-Earth relations; the magnetosphere; geomagnetic disturbance and proxies; polar auroras; magnetic storms; ionospheric phenomena. Space weather; monitoring, nowcasting, and alert systems. Space missions, instruments and methods. The Sun, its structure, and its variability. The solar cycle. The heliosphere and the solar wind; the interplanetary magnetic field; the termination shock; the heliospheric current sheet; the interstellar space. Transport and acceleration of energetic particles. Spatial diffusion, convection, adiabatic cooling, drift, diffusive shock acceleration. Solar modulation of galactic cosmic rays. Geomagnetic modulation and geomagnetic rigidity cutoff. Radioprotection in space, radiation damage and risks, shielding.