Course name Physics
Study-unit Code GP005480
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Andrea Orecchini
  • Andrea Orecchini
  • Matteo Rinaldi
  • 28 ore - Andrea Orecchini
  • 28 ore - Matteo Rinaldi
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Microfisico e della struttura della materia
Sector FIS/04
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Quantum treatement of independent and correlated many particle systems.
Reference texts A.L. Fetter, J.D. Walecka ``Quantum theory of many particle systems'',
McGraw-Hill, 1971; Dover 2002.

S. Boffi, ``Da Heisenberg a Landau, introduzione alla fisica
dei sistemi a molte particelle'',
Bibliopolis, 2004.

A.G. Sitenko, V.K. Tartakovskii ``Lectures on the theory of the nucleus'',
Pergamon (1975).

N.H. March, W.H. Young and S. Sampanthar “The many-body problem in Quantum
Mechanics”, Cambridge (1967); Dover (1995).

E. Lipparini, “Modern Many-Particle Physics”, WS (2008).
Educational objectives Knowledge of elementary techniques for facing quantum many-body problems
Prerequisites It is essential to have coursed lectures in Quantum Mechanics, mathematical methods for Physics.

The knowledge of elementary relativistic Quantum Mechanics would be very useful.
Teaching methods face-to-face lectures
Learning verification modality Oral exam, consisting on the answer to three questions taken from a list provided to the students during the lectures, aimet at

establishing the acquisition of technical skills, and at verifying the level of understanding

of the subject. The exam has a total duration of one hour.
Extended program Methods of solution of quantum many-body problems for
systems of independent particles and systems of correlated particles
in first and second quantization. Examples and applications.
Nuclear Matter as a case study.