Course name Physics
Study-unit Code GP005516
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Fisica teorica
Lecturer Valentina Mariani
  • Valentina Mariani
  • Livio Fano' (Codocenza)
  • 40 ore - Valentina Mariani
  • 2 ore (Codocenza) - Livio Fano'
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector FIS/04
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian/English
Contents Specific insight in particle physics
Reference texts Provided by the teacher
Educational objectives A more in depth understanding of the main open topics in Particle Physics
Prerequisites It is strongly suggested to have passed the "Elementary Particle Physics" exam.
Teaching methods Lessons and seminars.
Other information suggested skills: subatomic physics, field theory and elementary particle physics
Learning verification modality Students will be requested to:
1) during the course: provide a presentation to the classroom based on one of the arguments discussed during the first half of the study program
2) end of the course: provide a written report starting from a scientific publication choosen by the teacher
3) oral test
Extended program The aim of the course is to provide a more in depth understanding of the major items covered by the course on Elementary Particle Physics of the previous year. The main emphasis is on the phenomenological studies that can shed light on New Physics beyond the Standard Model. In particular there will be a discussion of the experiments, both at the energy frontier and at the precision frontier, complementary for a better understanding of the Physics at the TeV scale and the test of the theoretical model proposed. Main topics covered will be:
Higgs searches at the LHC: main decay channels, determination of the quantum numbers and the other properties of the Higgs boson.
Beauty and top quarks Physics at the LHC
Lepton flavor violation
Neutrino masses and oscillations
A series of seminars will cover the activities of the groups working at Perugia, so that the students may be helped in choosing a subject for their thesis.