Course name Natural and environmental sciences and technologies
Study-unit Code A002626
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Massimo Lorenzoni
  • Massimo Lorenzoni
  • 42 ore - Massimo Lorenzoni
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline ecologiche
Sector BIO/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course represents an insight of the “inland waters ecology” course. It is divided into the following parts: assessment of the fresh waters’ quality status and their importance from a conservation point of view; analysis of anthropogenic pressures impacts, restoration strategies and mitigation measures; adaptive management of aquatic environments; national and international regulations on the conservation of aquatic fauna, recovery and restoration of habitats.
Reference texts Fenoglio et al. 2019 Ecologia fluviale. UTET
Sabater e Elosegi. 2013. River conservation: challenges and opportunities. BBA Fundation. Comgrafic
Educational objectives The course aims to provide students with the theoretical principles and analytical methods for the assessment of the freshwater’s quality and the conservation status of the species inhabiting them, based on the scientific information necessary to prepare a long-term effective conservation strategy of populations, communities, aquatic habitats, and ecosystems. Particular attention is paid to the evaluation of the effects of anthropogenic pressures on native fish biodiversity.
Prerequisites Knowledge of the basic concepts of ecology is important for understanding the course contents.
Teaching methods The course will be held with oral frontal lessons. At the end of the course there will be a field exercise.
Other information Attendance: facultative, but advised.
Learning verification modality Oral exam.
Extended program Importance of freshwater ecosystems from a conservation point of view: richness of biodiversity and ecosystem services provided. Methods for managing, monitoring, and assessing the freshwater quality. Importance of research and scientific knowledge to prepare sustainable management programs of aquatic natural resources. Conservation status of inland water ecosystems and analysis of the main effects of anthropogenic pressures. Impacts resulting from the introduction of alien species on freshwater systems and possible prevention and intervention strategies for the control / eradication of invasive alien species. Concrete conservation actions for the protection of aquatic biodiversity with reference to endemic species (case studies). Analysis of the possible effects of global climate change on aquatic fauna and their habitat (case studies). Adaptation strategies to climate change. Interventions of recovery or restoration of the water bodies quality. Minimum vital flow in water courses: hydrological and biological estimation methods. Ecological flow. Monitoring of water bodies aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of environmental recovery plans. National and international legislation on conservation and protection of aquatic fauna, recovery and / or restoration of habitats. Application of Directive 2000/60 / EC for the assessment of the ecological status of water bodies. Elements of biological quality: fish. Use of the New Ecological Status Index of the Fish Communities of Italian watercourses.