Course name Human feeding and nutrition sciences
Study-unit Code 55A03409
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Sonia Esposto
  • Sonia Esposto
  • 81 ore - Sonia Esposto
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline per la caratterizzazione degli alimenti e gestione del sistema agroalimentare
Sector AGR/15
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Introduction to the food industries; alterations of foods; principles of the food storage ; food additives and food technological adjuvants; food packaging; preliminar and common operations for vegetable and animal origin products; production technology of vegetable foods from the I to the V range; technology of fruit processing; production technology and storage of: meat and meat products; milks and "special" milk; dairy products (cheeses); eggs and egg-products; fish and fish products.
Reference texts
"La trasformazione industriale di frutta ed ortaggi" Author Pomei C. (Edagricole Ed.); "Igiene e Tecnologie degli Alimenti di Origine Animale" Author Colavita G. (Point Veterinaire Ed.); "Ispezione e controllo degli alimenti" di Aggravi - Ferri - Cianti - Costanzo - AAVV ( LEd. Le Point Veterinaire)"Tecnologia del latte. Materie prime e processi di lavorazione" Author Salvadori Del Prato O. (Edagricole Ed. )
Food Packaging di Piergiovanni e Limbo (Ed. Springer)
Educational objectives
Target of this course is to provide the basis for the knowledge of the transformation / storage methodologies for the food products. In particular the student will acquire notions about the different processes of transformation concerning vegetable origin products (from the I to the V range) and processed fruits as well as dairy products, meat, fish and egg-products.
Students, by completing the course and passing the relative examinations, will be able to describe, not only the traditional production/storage technologies but also the innovative ones; in this manner, he will be able to develop in a critical way certain food production lines by applying storage/transformation traditional systems, with the aim, in both cases, of preserving the best sensory and health qualities of the relative food products.
The student must have sufficient knowledges relative to the food chemistry and to the food technology operations.
Teaching methods
The course is carried out through lectures, seminars performed by field top experts as well as guided tours in agro-food companies.
Learning verification modality
The exam is performed by written and / or oral examinations. Written tests consist of open-ended questions and multiple choice questions on parts of the program, in order to facilitate the student in passing the exam. The student can choose, in any case to take the exam only through the oral trial that will have a minimum duration of 40 minutes.
Both the tests enable the teacher to assess the student according to his level of preparation but also to the way that certain concepts are expressed and finally, through the ability to apply in practice what they have learned by the study.
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Extended program
The program is developed in a general part relating to the introduction to the food industries followed by the description of the main alterations that can occur on food products.
The general part includes the study of food preservation methods, use of food additives and processing aids and food packaging. Furthermore, a part is reserved for the study of preliminary and common technological operations for products of animal and vegetable origin. The part dedicated to products of vegetable origin is developed in various lessons that describe in detail the production lines of the products of the I, II, III, IV and V range as well as products of fruit origin, with particular regard to jams, marmalades. , canned fruit and fruit juices. For the study of products of animal origin, the lessons concern the production technology of fresh meat, meat preparations and meat products, with particular regard to delicatessen. As regards dairy products, the program consists of studying the processing, conservation and packaging of milk and the production technologies of dairy products, in particular cheeses.
The main technologies for the production, conservation and distribution of fish products will also be illustrated, such as the technologies for the conservation and distribution of fresh fish and the processing, conservation and distribution of semi-preserved and canned fish.
Finally, the techniques related to the distribution and packaging of eggs and the production technology of egg products will be illustrated.