Course name Human feeding and nutrition sciences
Study-unit Code A000558
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Elisabetta Albi
  • Elisabetta Albi
  • 42 ore - Elisabetta Albi
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline biomediche
Sector BIO/10
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Clinical biochemistry in the analysis laboratory. Protein, glucid and lipid Single analytes. Biological fluid analysis. Importance of biochemical analyses in the physiopathology of organs and tissues of nutritional interest.
Reference texts Biochimica Clinica Essenziale - dal laboratorio i quadri di patologia Clinica - E.Albi, T. Beccari, S. Cataldi - Zanichelli
Educational objectives The main aim of this teaching is to provide students with the bases needed to a good level of knowledge of the clinical-biochemisry laboratory . Teaching is fundamental for the professional figure of the nutritionist as it provides knowledge for an assessment of the patient's biochemical-clinical picture essential for a nutritional plan.
Main knowledge acquired will be:
.analyzes performed for the assessment of the physiological nutritional status
. evaluation of metabolic disorders in patological conditions.
Prerequisites In order to understand and know how to apply the topics covered in the course for a metabolic assessment by the nutritionist, it is essential to have taken the biochemistry examination of nutrition
Teaching methods Frontal lectures and/or in DAD with projection of images
Other information Frequency is recommended. he teaching material presented in class will be included on the UNISTUDIUM platform so that working students can also view it and use it for study.
Learning verification modality Final oral test that will evaluate the knowledge acquired and the ability to distinguish a physiological picture from a pathological one on the basis of a biochemical-clinical point of view
Extended program Introduction to the course: Biochemistry and Clinical Biochemistry The biological fluid collection center and the analysis laboratory: from pre-preanalitical to post-analitical. Single and group of analyses. The blood and the coagulant profile. The urine, the hydro-electrolytic and acid-base balance. The feces. Liquor. Nutritional evaluation. Protein, glucid and lipid profile. Digestive canal profile and pancreas. Liver profile and biliary tract. Profile of suspected metabolic disease. Profile of suspected endocrine disease. Malnutrition profile