Course name Medical, veterinary and forensic biotechnological sciences
Study-unit Code A001760
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Roberta Spaccapelo
  • Roberta Spaccapelo
  • Alicia Yoke Wei Wong (Codocenza)
  • 45 ore - Roberta Spaccapelo
  • 7 ore (Codocenza) - Alicia Yoke Wei Wong
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline biotecnologiche comuni
Sector MED/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction ENGLISH
Contents The teaching program of molecular diagnostic in microbiology deals with a limited number of microorganisms and their general, diagnostic and therapeutic characteristics, classical and molecular diagnosis methodologies and the new therapeutic approaches. Particular attention is given to the infections for which it has been developed a vaccine or experimental activities are in progress. Moreover, innovative molecular aspect relevant for microorganisms’ diagnosis will be treated. The course includes laboratory activities that will be carried out at the University premises and at the Hospital of Perugia in the microbiology laboratory.
Reference texts The students will be provided with teaching material used during the lessons and scientific articles for the depth analysis of specific topics.
Educational objectives At the end of the course, the students will have acquired advanced knowledge in the biotechnological field applied to microbiology diagnostics. Furthermore, they will be able to analyze and compare some human pathologies and discuss the implication of vaccines development.
Prerequisites In order to understand the majority of diagnostic molecular techniques for the identification of human pathogens described in the course the students must have knowledge relating to the general microbiology of bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses - notions they should have acquired in the course of the first degree. In addition, the students must have basic knowledge of molecular biology necessary for understanding the new technologies used in clinical diagnostics.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:
1) lectures focused on the themes of human infectious diseases; 2) laboratory activities to be carried out in a university research laboratory and at the microbiology laboratory of the Perugia hospital.
In addition, students will have to explain and comment an article related to the topics of the course.
Other information Attendance is not mandatory, but strongly recommended both for the lectures and for the laboratory activities.

The lessons will be held at “Centro Didattico”, University of Perugia, Sant'Andrea delle Fratte.
The laboratory activities will be held at:
Dept. of Medicine, Building D, third floor, L. Severi 1, Sant'Andrea delle Fratte, Perugia;
microbiology laboratories in Santa Maria della Misericordia hospital, Sant'Andrea delle Fratte, Perugia.
Learning verification modality The exam includes a final written and/or oral examination, consisting of a discussion on the topics covered during the course and in-depth analysis of a scientific article recommended by the teacher. The exam is aimed at assessing the level of knowledge and understanding achieved by the students on the theoretical and methodological approaches described during the course. In addition, the student must be able to describe both the standard and innovative methods routinely used in the diagnostic microbiology according to the concepts learned during the practical exercise. The oral exam will also evaluate the student communication skills, knowledge and ability to process information.
Extended program The main objective of the course is to provide students with the basics for understanding the main human infectious diseases and therapeutic applications. The main topics covered during the course will be:
a) Role of biotechnology in vaccine development: History of vaccines; Smallpox vaccine; Vaccines: type and characteristics; Techniques for preparing vaccines; Immune response to vaccinations.
b) Main human diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms:
- Tuberculosis: general characteristics, diagnosis and treatment;
- Malaria: general characteristics, diagnosis and treatment and innovative approaches for the realization of a vaccine;
- Meningitis: general characteristics, diagnosis and treatment;
- Sexually transmitted diseases: general characteristics, diagnosis and treatment;
- Papillomavirus: general information, diagnosis and treatment.

c) Clinical microbiology laboratory:
Role of the microbiological laboratory; Classical and molecular methods for the identification of bacteria, mycobacteria and protozoa and viruses; Antibiotic Sensitivity Test; Diagnosis of tuberculosis and meningitis.
d) Molecular biology techniques applied to microbiological diagnosis:
- PCR and qPCR: description and role in the microbiological laboratory;
-SNPs: description and role in the diagnostic field;
- Next-generation sequencing: description and role in the microbiological laboratory.