Course name Sciences of education
Study-unit Code GP004290
Curriculum Educatore dei servizi educativi per l'lnfanzia
Lecturer Mario Tosti
  • Mario Tosti
  • 54 ore - Mario Tosti
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline storiche, geografiche, economiche e giuridiche
Sector M-STO/02
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The first module aims to introduce the most significant periods, aspects, problems, events and characters relating to the time span of modern history from a general historical-geographical point of view and provide essential information on the most recent themes and trends in history modern.
The second module, in relation to the current war events affecting contemporary Europe, aims to deepen, through the narration of the events of the Great War, the theme of war, which is not just a military affair. Women, old people and children, catapulted to the front line, become helpless and silent protagonists of an escape from violence in search of peace.
Reference texts Aurelio MUSI, Un vivaio di storia. L'Europa nel mondo moderno, Biblion Edizioni 2020.
Students with disabilities and / or with SLD, after consultation with the teacher, can request any didactic materials in accessible formats (presentations, handouts, exercises), provided if necessary in advance of the lessons, as well as the use of other facilitating technological tools in the study phase. For general information, consult the University Services on the page and contact the Department Coordinator.
Educational objectives The first module aims to raise awareness of the periods, aspects, problems, events and most significant characters relating to the time span of modern history from a general historical-geographical point of view. - Provide essential information on the most recent issues and trends in modern history - Propose thematic paths and information on some topics that transversally revisit various parts of the manual, with the aim of making it more reasoned and easier to read and memorize. attention also to the extra-European dimension of political and social processes - To know the changes and ruptures that have profoundly marked the history of Europe in the modern age, emphasizing changes rather than continuities and uniformities - Knowing the plurality of political models , cultural, religious and forms of the organization of society operating in European history - Reconstruct the processes that led to today's condition, identifying in European expansion, in the rise of a world economy, in the connection of contents through the emigrations of mass, in the planetary expansion of international relations, in the formation of a cosmopolitan culture, the roots of contemporaneity.
The second module, in relation to the current war events affecting contemporary Europe, aims to deepen the theme of war, which is not just a military affair.It uproots and cancels communities. It deprives entire peoples of basic rights by involving them in an endless drama. Houses destroyed, families dismembered, sudden escapes. Through the narration of the events of the Great War, the module intends to reconstruct the human tragedy that crosses people when the war enters homes, devastating family ties and imposing a forced removal. Women, old people and children, catapulted to the front line, become helpless and silent protagonists of an escape from violence in search of peace. Without a destination, without food, without clothes. Refugees flee their microcosm, travel to all regions of Italy, suffer, lose their children. The female world acquires a decision-making power never had before; the angel of the hearth disappears to make way for a woman who has the destiny of the family in her hands. And children, in a time that neither understands nor leaves room for childhood, suddenly become adults. War redefines rules and values, erases the identity of the people who live close to the conflict. The memory of this people, simple and humble, finally gives breath to a historical narration set aside or closed in the drawer for too long.
Prerequisites Knowing how to place facts and events in space and time - Reorganizing data and concepts - Knowing how to read, obtain information and compare historical documents - Know the main conceptual and terminological tools of the discipline - Understanding changes and permanence of historical processes - Knowing how to evaluate the difference between the historical awareness and cultural stereotype of an event or period.
Teaching methods Face-to-face with PPT
Other information Students with disabilities and / or SLD: for any information on the University's services, consult the page and contact the Department contact person.
Learning verification modality The evaluation is composed from n. 3 trials, 2 in progress and 1 final oral examination. The written tests consist of a written exam with multiple choice questions that aim to induce the student to consolidate gradule specific knowledge, determine the skills and concepts acquired in applying the procedures and logic skills. The first takes place in the first week of November and the second the second week of January. The written tests in stimulus ended and closed-ended consist of n. 30 questions and are evaluated in 30/30. The student who exceeds the two-course tests, getting a vote of not less than 18, relates only to the oral text adopted for the second module. Students who do not pass the course tests also report on the general, while those who pass only one of the course tests will report orally on the chapters of the general subject of the written test. The vote of the course tests you can not refuse. The final oral examination consists of an interview of 30 minutes max wants to ensure that the command of the language, the ability to use the acquired knowledge and to link them in the argument and to discuss in depth in several respects the different topics covered.
Students with disabilities and / or with SLD: for the modality of carrying out the verification tests, students can take advantage of inclusive technologies, compensatory tools and dispensatory measures provided for by the legislation. Technologies, tools and measures must be requested and agreed with the teacher well in advance of the tests. For general information, consult the University Services on the page and contact the Department Coordinator.
Extended program During the first part of the Course will be proposed thematic tours and information on some topics that revisit across various parts of the manual, with the intent to make it more rational and easier to read and store. This will be achieved through the knowledge and the study of the following topics: The break of geographical barriers--The exploration and the discovery of America- The creation of colonial empires-Italy and Europe in the sixteenth century-The splendor of the Italian Renaissance-The Italian wars-The Protestant Reformation-The Counter-Reformation and the Council of Trent-New wars for dominance over Europe-The sixteenth century-Europe sixteenth century-The absolute monarchy in France-The parliamentary monarchy in England-Italy in the seventeenth century-The scientific revolution-The early eighteenth century-The new culture of the Enlightenment-Europe and Italy of the eighteenth century-The world to Europeans: the colonial empires-The Age of Revolutions- The first industrial revolution-The American Revolution and the birth of the United States of America-The French Revolution- The Age Napoleonic- From the Europe of Vienna to the Europe of Berlin.
The second module, through the narration of the events of the Great War, intends to reconstruct the human tragedy that crosses people when the war enters homes, devastating family ties and imposing a forced removal. Women, old people and children, catapulted to the front line, become helpless and silent protagonists of an escape from violence in search of peace. Without a destination, without food, without clothes. Refugees flee their microcosm, travel to all regions of Italy, suffer, lose their children. The female world acquires a decision-making power never had before; the angel of the hearth disappears to make way for a woman who has the destiny of the family in her hands. And children, in a time that neither understands nor leaves room for childhood, suddenly become adults. War redefines rules and values, erases the identity of the people who live close to the conflict. The memory of this people, simple and humble, finally gives breath to a historical narration set aside or closed in the drawer for too long.