Course name Sciences of education
Study-unit Code A001012
Curriculum Educatore dei servizi educativi per l'lnfanzia
CFU 11
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code A001026
Lecturer Federico Batini
  • Federico Batini
  • 12 ore - Federico Batini
Learning activities Base
Area Discipline pedagogiche e metodologico-didattiche
Sector M-PED/04
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Conducting field research.
Active research experience
Reference texts The reference texts are the same as for the course. It may be useful to integrate with sample texts of research carried out with particular reference to research that dictates each phase.
Educational objectives be able to read, understand and manage simple qualitative / quantitative research processes in education.
Prerequisites educational research methodology course
Teaching methods Experiential approach. From experience to formalization of the same.
Other information Attendance at the laboratory is mandatory due to the nature of the proposed teaching. Students who cannot attend will be given a different path.
Learning verification modality The laboratory evaluation will focus on the outputs of the proposed (group) experience. In case a student intends to anticipate his/her exam in a year preceding the one it is scheduled in his/her curriculum, it is recommended to anticipate as well the attendance of the lessons and to schedule the exam in the first useful session after the lessons have been concluded.
Extended program Definition of a research hypothesis and a theoretical framework, sampling, identification of methods and tools, data collection, data analysis, presentation of results.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Reducing inequalities, reducing gender differences (in order of the data that will be analysed).


Code A001025
CFU 10
Lecturer Federico Batini
  • Federico Batini
  • 60 ore - Federico Batini
Learning activities Base
Area Discipline pedagogiche e metodologico-didattiche
Sector M-PED/04
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course introduces the concepts and key themes of the research methodology in a qualitative-quantitative and field research perspective. The proposed theoretical and methodological perspective means empirical research as a cognitive process and / or critical investigation of problems / phenomena observed / located in contexts and aimed at shedding light on a certain reality (social, communicative, educational) through the development of multi-method research approaches, culturally located and rigorous. The basic methodological and conceptual repertoire of educational research will also be studied and analyzed in depth (research "styles", theories, hypotheses, laws, concepts and constructs, operationalization of concepts, indicators, variables, etc.)
Reference texts At the beginning of the course, students will have the possibility to choose between more tests and more texts. The test relating to the contents covered in the classroom (contained in the slides and materials provided free of charge) will be binding to pass the exam.

1) Each student will be able to study one of the following manuals related to the educational research methodology (for the preparation of the written test).
Batini F., (2019), Educational research notes release 03 or 04, Thélème editions (attention, do not use previous editions)
 Trinchero R. (2004), The methods of educational research, Laterza
2) Two volumes chosen from the following (3 for non-attending students). Other volumes will be indicated at the beginning of the course (please refer, for your choices, to the complete list): F. Batini (2020, ed), Storie e parole, Giunti Scuola
Scierri, Bartolucci, Salvato (eds, 2018), Lettura e dispersione, Franco Angeli.
F. Batini (2018), Leggimi ancora, Giunti scuola
F. Batini (2019), Leggere ad alta voce, Giunti Scuola
Rivers I. (2016), Homophobic Bullying. Know it to fight it, the assayer
Batini F. (2011), Understanding the differences. Towards a pedagogy of sexual identity, Armando Editore
Batini F. (2014), Sexual identity: an unjustified absence, Loescher
Mauceri (2015), Homophobia as a social construction. Generative processes of prejudice in adolescence, frank Angels
Nappa M.R. & Nardelli N. (2017), Lecosecambiano @ scuola. Tools to combat homophobic bullying, Cortina Libreria Milano
Burgio G. (2008), Male means. Gay teenagers from southern Italy. An ethnopedagogical survey, Mimesis

3) An article among those indicated during the course
4) The course slides (present on Unistudium) are an integral part of the program. 5) The volume "Me and my research: a search on me", Thélème editions (volume to be filled in) or other means of self-reflection on the research tools in education.
For attending students, a series of tests will be proposed to choose from. The written test is however mandatory.
Educational objectives At the end of the course each student should:
Being able to reconstruct, in its main lines, the epistemological debate on research in the human sciences.
Being able to read a research including methods and tools used and being able to judge the degree of transparency and repeatability. Being able to draw up the design of a simple experimental and non-experimental research. Be able to use the most common data collection tools (questionnaires, interviews) and know the main procedures for their construction. Knowing how to read, build and analyze the results of evaluation scales. Knowing how to use spreadsheets for the organization and descriptive analysis of data. Being able to use statistical tools (single-variable statistics and with regard to bivariate statistics only the chi square) to perform calculations on collected data.
Prerequisites To profitably participate in the course it is advisable to review some basic mathematical fundamentals such as: fractions, percentages and proportions. For this purpose the site can be profitably used: which also allows you to do exercises. The application of these concepts in an operational way will be necessary for the understanding and use of frequency distributions, of central tendency indexes and of dispersion indexes (single-variable statistics).
Teaching methods Frontal and participatory lesson; group work; reality tasks (field research), exercises.
Other information In-depth exercises and seminars are planned for voluntary participation, which will facilitate the learning of the fundamental application-statistical component for the written test.
Participation in some convention events will be strongly recommended.
To calculate the hourly weight of the discipline it is necessary to remember that: the University Formative Credit (CFU) is the unit of measurement of the commitment required from the student and has a "value" of 25 hours. The credits are divided into 6 hours of lectures or laboratory in the classroom and 19 hours of individual work (study) or group work (activities / study).
Learning verification modality A maximum score is assigned to each test. The sum of the scores obtained in the chosen tests determines the final grade. Passing the written test is mandatory to pass the exam. The maximum scores for each test are announced at the beginning of the course together with the evaluation criteria (they remain available on unistudium). The exam will be evaluated during the following tests:
1) Written test on the theoretical and basic statistical aspects (no penalties for errors).
2) Individual filing of two volumes to be chosen from those indicated in point 2) of the reference texts (3 volumes for non-attending students)
3) Filing of a scientific article among those indicated in the lesson
4) Group work of administration of tools and analysis of collected data guided during the course
5) Compilation of the tool of self-reflection "I and my research: a research on me", Thélème editions (or other tool).
Other tests among which to make a choice will be communicated to the attending students, please note that only the written test is mandatory.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or DSA visit the page
Students who decide to anticipate this exam are invited to attend and take it at the first useful session after the conclusion of the lessons.
Extended program The course introduces the concepts and key themes of the research methodology in a qualitative-quantitative and field research perspective. The proposed theoretical and methodological perspective means empirical research as a cognitive process and / or critical investigation of problems / phenomena observed / located in contexts and aimed at shedding light on a certain reality (social, communicative, educational) through the development of multi-method research approaches, culturally located and rigorous.
In particular, the following will be explored: The scientific method in educational research; The epistemological, methodological, technical-operative, axiological choices; The phases of research in education: the design of research. Quantitative research and qualitative research; Educational research strategies; Data collection techniques and tools; Data analysis and interpretation of results. The evaluation scales;
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 4, 5 and 10

Digital Information Service by Lidia Pozzoblu - Thanks to Aldo Bizzilupo for Web site and other technical assistance.