Course name Sciences of education
Study-unit Code A001035
Curriculum Educatore professionale socio-pedagogico
Lecturer Moira Sannipoli
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2024/25
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code A001039
Lecturer Moira Sannipoli
  • Moira Sannipoli
  • 12 ore - Moira Sannipoli
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline pedagogiche e metodologico-didattiche
Sector M-PED/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The educational interventions.
The Life Project and Self-determination.
The inclusive perspective.
Reference texts In-depth materials will be loaded into the Unistudium platform.
Educational objectives Knowledge of the following:
- Life Project;
- Design of integrated interventions.

Capability related to:
- understanding sensory disability skills and difficulties;
- activate processes of care, growth and development of children, contexts and relationships to improve their quality;
- to understand the demand and training needs of those in this situation and contexts to be able to give personalized educational answers;
- to implement reflexive practices.

Competence in relation to:
-be able to plan educational interventions in the field outside school in the presence of special educational needs;
- be able to develop communicative and relational skills;
- able to develop critical-reflective skills;
- be able to develop decision-making skills, autonomy of judgement and aptitude for problematization;
- be able the specificities of the educational profession to develop professional identity and personal responsibility for learning outcomes for those involved in educational interventions;
- Developing the ability to learn to learn.
Prerequisites It is necessary to have attended the course of Pedagogy of Diversity and Differences.
Teaching methods Simulate.
Team working.
Building a portfolio of personal documentation
Other information -
Learning verification modality In general terms, the test checks the following aspects:
- Knowledge and understanding
- Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: Synthesis and detail;
- Autonomy of judgment, understood as the ability to produce independent judgments, arriving at coherent reflections on the proposed topics;
- Communication skills, conceived as the ability to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to other interlocutors;
- Learning skills, conceived as the ability needed to advance in studies with a high degree of autonomy.

The evaluation of the workshop will be done through assignments handed out in itinere and through accompanying diary entries.
Extended program The workshop aims to promote knowledge and understanding of the life project construct from childhood to old age with a focus on the personal and inclusive dimensions.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Health and well-being.
Decent work and economic growth.
Reducing inequality.


Code A001038
Lecturer Moira Sannipoli
  • Moira Sannipoli
  • 48 ore - Moira Sannipoli
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline pedagogiche e metodologico-didattiche
Sector M-PED/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The topics covered in the course are the following :
- The contribution of the Special Education : A look at history;
- The concepts of Inseriment, Integration and Inclusion;
- Diversity and differences;
- The special educational needs;
- International Classifications proposed by WHO on the concept of disability;
- National Regulatory Framework and international educational inclusion;
- The co-evolutionary perspective and the different educational approaches;
- The birth of a disabled child and the experience of bereavement;
- The weight of the diagnosis: medical knowledge and pedagogical knowledge compared and dialogue;
- Out-of-school services the educational challenge of inclusion;
- The "special normality";
- Individualize and customize;
- The zone of proximal development and the mediation;
- Observation, documentation and design as educational care tools;
- The networking;
- The help relationship as a lightweight gift:
meet, know and accompany;
- Educational poverty and intervention strategies.
Reference texts COTTINI L., Didattica speciale per l'educatore socio-pedagogico, Carocci, Roma 2021

LEPRI C., Diventare grandi. La condizione adulta delle persone con disabilità intellettiva, Erickson, Trento 2020.

SANNIPOLI M., Fin dall'infanzia. Professionalità educative e sconfinamenti inclusivi, PensaMultimedia, Lecce 2022.

CANEVARO A., Nascere fragili. processi educativi e pratiche di cura, EDB, Bologna 2015.

Erasmus students
WHO, International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF),World Health Organization, 2001
CAST (2011). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.0., Author, Wakefield (MA)
D'ALESSIO S.,Inclusive Education in Italy: A Critical Analysis of the Policy of Integrazione Scolastica, Sense Publisher, Usa 2011.

Non-attending and working students may refer to the same textbooks.
Students with disabilities and/or with Learning Disabilities can check with the lecturer about the accessibility of the texts themselves.
Educational objectives The course aims to promote:
- Knowledge and understanding of the discipline;
- Autonomy of judgment on proposed topics;
- Consistent communication skills;
- Critical and reflective learning skills.

At the end of the course the student knows:
- the hermeneutical framework of the inclusive perspective;
- methodological premises for developing the inclusive perspective and integration of children and adults with BES;
- the concepts of diversity and differences;
- the main classification systems promoted by the WHO for the construction of a Life Project, in relation to the original characteristics of the person with disabilities and the context of belonging, starting from the family;
- the current educational approaches to people with disabilities in terms of increasing autonomy and self-effectiveness.

At the end of the course the student, in terms of skills and skills, is able to:
- use operational tools of educational professionalism (observation, documentation and design);
- building an inclusive project, recognising special needs and problem situations, identifying the skills of professionals and the institutional and inter-institutional collaborations that can be activated;
- to design educational interventions to connect families, educational and school services, social and health services in order to make the Life Project factual;
- integrate into the world of work, using the knowledge and experience acquired; - is able to supplement its knowledge in the light of regulatory changes and international guidelines;
- to produce a documentation of educational experiences referring to different institutional clients, families and services.
Prerequisites In order to understand the content of the teaching, it is necessary to successfully support the Exams of General Pedagogy, General Teaching, General Psychology, Forms and Traditions of Philosophy, Methodology of Educational Research, Observation and Evaluation.
Teaching methods - Frontal lessons
- Topic Discussions
- Group work
- Laboratory
Other information Frequency is strongly recommended.
For non-attending students, the program is identical.
For all students, additional information and materials will be published on the Unistudium platform.
Learning verification modality Final written test: 3 open response questions (maximum 15 lines).
Test Time: 90 minutes.

In general terms, the test checks the following aspects:
- Knowledge and understanding
- Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: Synthesis and detail;
- Autonomy of judgment, understood as the ability to produce independent judgments, arriving at coherent reflections on the proposed topics;
- Communication skills, conceived as the ability to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to other interlocutors;
- Learning skills, understood as the ability necessary to advance in studies with a high degree of autonomy.

Female and male students with disabilities and/or Learning Disabilities are invited to visit the page dedicated to the tools and measures provided and to agree in advance on what is necessary with the teacher (
Extended program Learning to observe, know how to postpone judgment, employ a methodology of authentic knowledge and understanding of the other, documenting the process of teaching and learning are the foundation of an authentic educational cure. A placement through the exercise of reflective thinking about pedagogical, planning and socio-health issues is the explicit emphasis on taking responsibility for the subject with SEN and families to build a life project, within an inclusive network. All this with particular attention to educational accompaniment.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Health and well-being.
Decent work and economic growth.
Reducing inequality.