Course name Investigation and security sciences
Study-unit Code GP004292
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Raffaele Federici
  • Raffaele Federici
  • 54 ore - Raffaele Federici
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Base
Area Discipline sociologiche
Sector SPS/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian - English
Contents The course aims to provide to the students with a knowledge of the main theories of culture and communication, focusing in particular on issues of cultural capital, social capital and the knowledge society, media, and information.
Reference texts M. Morcellini, Comunicazione e media, Egea, Milano, 2013.
M. Livolsi, Manuale di sociologia della comunicazione, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2002.
R. Federici, C. Montesi, I rapporti fra economia e politica. R. Michels, antiretorica per un sociologo, Gambini, Cognizioni, Attigliano, 2022.
Educational objectives The aim of the course is to gain knowledge of the idea of communication, information and information management. In particular, the student will be able to distinguish between the idea of communication, information, safety, risk within the urban spaces.
Prerequisites Knowledge of methodological tools (principles of sociology)
Teaching methods lessons, seminars, and tutorials
Other information NO
Learning verification modality oral examination
Extended program The course will bring to the attention of students studying social networks. In light of these premises, the course builds a critical path by proposing a reading of the cultural and communication processes as a possible meeting place between inheritance and different perspectives. Through a series of keywords, you want to articulate a vocabulary to enable students to orient themselves in the international perspective of the recent critical debate on the issues of intercultural relations at the end of the course the student will know the size of the sociological concept of culture with regard to different "knowledge "and will bring the cultural dimension of the problem of identity and identity conflicts of the global society. Particular attention will be given to the idea of "security” and “safety” within the premisis of the urban spaces.