Course name Philosophy and psychological science and techniques
Study-unit Code 40036209
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
CFU 12
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2022/23
Learning activities Base
Area Storia della filosofia e istituzioni di filosofia
Sector M-FIL/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare


Code 40036209
CFU 12
Lecturer Marco Moschini
  • Marco Moschini
  • 62 ore - Marco Moschini
Learning activities Base
Area Storia della filosofia e istituzioni di filosofia
Sector M-FIL/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Aspects characterizing modern thought and the issues of subjectivity, dialectics, and consciousness in an anthropological view
Reference texts Anima, Corpo, Relazioni. Storia della filosofia da una prospettiva
antropologica, a cura di M. Marianelli, M. Mauro, M. Moschini, G. D'Anna, vol II, Città Nuova, Roma 2022.
Educational objectives 1, students must show the ability to understand and interpret classical texts of philosophy, along with the acquisition of philosophical notions and problems inherent in the history of modern philosophy

2. Students must be able to apply these topics of study to the development of critical thinking useful for problem solving in the humanities

3, critical judgment in this specific discipline must be demonstrated

4, students must develop learning and communication skills

5. The student will be initiated to the development of methodology of interdisciplinary teaching: relations between philosophy and other forms of knowledge; philosophy and humanities, philosophy and science, philosophy and art, philosophy and history, philosophy and public discussion
Prerequisites Main philosophical knowledge on the history of ancient, medival and humanistic philosophy, with particular attention on issues of conscience
Teaching methods seminars and classroom lectures
Other information Support workshops during the classes.
Learning verification modality he final oral exam will be based on a series of questions on the course's reference authors, in which the examiner will be asked to develop the ability to interconnect the topics, to argue and to produce a dissertation. The exam will assess the acquisition of the basic notions to be verified in the interview; the ability to read the proposed texts carefully; the degree of autonomy in evaluating the topics addressed; the ability to discuss the proposed topics. The measurement of the final examination will be expressed in thirtieths, taking into account all five objectives, so that 20% of the grade will relate to the in itinere examination, 20% respectively to the notions acquired, equally to the reading, autonomy in evaluating, and ability to discuss.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA visit
Extended program Problems and themes of modern philosophy history. Forms of the anthropological Modern thought and the topics of subjectivity, dialectic and consciousness


Code 40036209
CFU 12
Lecturer Emanuele Pili
  • Emanuele Pili
  • Valentina Zaffino
  • 60 ore - Emanuele Pili
  • 12 ore - Valentina Zaffino
Learning activities Base
Area Storia della filosofia e istituzioni di filosofia
Sector M-FIL/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Soul, body and relationships in modern thought
Reference texts 1) Lecturer’s handouts

2) M. Marianelli, L. Mauro, M. Moschini, G. D’Anna (a cura di), Anima, corpo e relazioni. Storia della filosofia da una prospettiva antropologica, Città Nuova, Roma 2022, vol. II: Filosofia Moderna

3) Uno a scelta tra i seguenti:

a) E. Pili, Se l’uno è l’altro. Ontologia e intersoggettività in Antonio Rosmini, Edizioni di Pagina, Bari 2020, cap. IV;
b) P. Bonafede, M. Galvani, E. Pili, Bene-dire l’alterità. Filosofia e pedagogia del sorriso in e oltre Rosmini, Genova University Press, Genova 2022, capp. I-II;
c) A. Rosmini, Dell'amicizia. Alcuni inediti giovanili, InSchibboleth, Roma 2020
Educational objectives To acquire adequate knowledge of the main theoretical points characterising modern philosophy. Deepening critical thinking on the genesis of key modern concepts and developing the ability to identify, contextualise and explain them. To improve clarity in exposition and the correct use of modern philosophical lexicon. In an interdisciplinary perspective, developing the ability to relate, in a modern context, philosophy and other forms of knowledge: philosophy and science, philosophy and religion, philosophy and art, philosophy and history, philosophy and public discussion.
Prerequisites Basic philosophical notions
Teaching methods Lectures, seminars
Other information Le lezioni si svolgeranno presso il dipartimento FiSSUF o, se necessario, in modalità blended o on line. Per maggiori informazioni si prega di visionare il sito. La frequenza delle lezioni non è obbligatoria ma altamente consigliata.
Learning verification modality Written examination
Extended program Giving special attention to the subject “soul, body and relationships”, the course traces the main lines of modern thought: Humanism and Renaissance; Scientific Revolution; Descartes, Spinoza, Malebranche and Leibniz; Hobbes, Locke, Berkeley and Hume; Pascal and Vico; Illuminismo; Kant; Fichte, Schelling and Hegel; Schopenhauer and Kierkegaard; Feuerbach and Marx; Rosmini and Gioberti; Positivism; Nietzsche. For the monographic part, an in-depth examination of some topics related to the question of intersubjectivity (smile, friendship, sexual union) in Rosmini


Code 40036209
CFU 12
Lecturer Marco Moschini
  • Marco Moschini
  • Martino Bozza
  • 6 ore - Marco Moschini
  • 56 ore - Martino Bozza
Learning activities Base
Area Storia della filosofia e istituzioni di filosofia
Sector M-FIL/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Aspects characterizing modern thought and the issues of subjectivity, dialectics, and consciousness in an anthropological view
Reference texts Anima, Corpo, Relazioni. Storia della filosofia da una prospettiva
antropologica, a cura di M. Marianelli, M. Mauro, M. Moschini, G. D'Anna, vol II, Città Nuova, Roma 2022.
Educational objectives 1, students must show the ability to understand and interpret classical texts of philosophy, along with the acquisition of philosophical notions and problems inherent in the history of modern philosophy

2. Students must be able to apply these topics of study to the development of critical thinking useful for problem solving in the humanities

3, critical judgment in this specific discipline must be demonstrated

4, students must develop learning and communication skills

5. The student will be initiated to the development of methodology of interdisciplinary teaching: relations between philosophy and other forms of knowledge; philosophy and humanities, philosophy and science, philosophy and art, philosophy and history, philosophy and public discussion
Prerequisites Main philosophical knowledge on the history of ancient, medival and humanistic philosophy, with particular attention on issues of conscience
Teaching methods seminars and classroom lectures
Other information Support workshops during the classes.
Learning verification modality fThe final oral exam will be based on a series of questions on the course's reference authors, in which the examiner will be asked to develop the ability to interconnect the topics, to argue and to produce a dissertation. The exam will assess the acquisition of the basic notions to be verified in the interview; the ability to read the proposed texts carefully; the degree of autonomy in evaluating the topics addressed; the ability to discuss the proposed topics. The measurement of the final examination will be expressed in thirtieths, taking into account all five objectives, so that 20% of the grade will relate to the in itinere examination, 20% respectively to the notions acquired, equally to the reading, autonomy in evaluating, and ability to discuss.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA visit
Extended program Problems and themes of modern philosophy history. Forms of the anthropological Modern thought and the topics of subjectivity, dialectic and consciousness


Code 40036209
CFU 12
Lecturer Marco Moschini
  • Marco Moschini
  • Dario Tordoni
  • 6 ore - Marco Moschini
  • 56 ore - Dario Tordoni
Learning activities Base
Area Storia della filosofia e istituzioni di filosofia
Sector M-FIL/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Aspects characterizing modern thought and the issues of subjectivity, dialectics, and consciousness in an anthropological view
Reference texts Anima, Corpo, Relazioni. Storia della filosofia da una prospettiva
antropologica, a cura di M. Marianelli, M. Mauro, M. Moschini, G. D'Anna, vol II, Città Nuova, Roma 2022.
Educational objectives 1, students must show the ability to understand and interpret classical texts of philosophy, along with the acquisition of philosophical notions and problems inherent in the history of modern philosophy

2. Students must be able to apply these topics of study to the development of critical thinking useful for problem solving in the humanities

3, critical judgment in this specific discipline must be demonstrated

4, students must develop learning and communication skills

5. The student will be initiated to the development of methodology of interdisciplinary teaching: relations between philosophy and other forms of knowledge; philosophy and humanities, philosophy and science, philosophy and art, philosophy and history, philosophy and public discussion
Prerequisites Main philosophical knowledge on the history of ancient, medival and humanistic philosophy, with particular attention on issues of conscience
Teaching methods seminars and classroom lectures
Other information Support workshops during the classes.
Learning verification modality The final oral exam will be based on a series of questions on the course's reference authors, in which the examiner will be asked to develop the ability to interconnect the topics, to argue and to produce a dissertation. The exam will assess the acquisition of the basic notions to be verified in the interview; the ability to read the proposed texts carefully; the degree of autonomy in evaluating the topics addressed; the ability to discuss the proposed topics. The measurement of the final examination will be expressed in thirtieths, taking into account all five objectives, so that 20% of the grade will relate to the in itinere examination, 20% respectively to the notions acquired, equally to the reading, autonomy in evaluating, and ability to discuss.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA visit
Extended program Problems and themes of modern philosophy history. Forms of the anthropological Modern thought and the topics of subjectivity, dialectic and consciousness