Course name Philosophy and psychological science and techniques
Study-unit Code GP003492
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Aldo Ferraresi
  • Aldo Ferraresi
  • Roberto Panichi (Codocenza)
  • 50 ore - Aldo Ferraresi
  • 4 ore (Codocenza) - Roberto Panichi
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2022/23
Sector BIO/09
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course deals with the physiology of the nervous system starting from the neuron to get to the higher functions.
In the first part of the course we will study the physical characteristics of neurons and the way they can interact.
In the second part we will study the subsystems that make up our nervous system and higher functions.
Reference texts Neuroscienze
Esplorando il cervello
Bear M.F., Connors B.W., Paradiso M.A.
Edra - Masson
IV edizione (2016)
ISBN: 9788821440502
Educational objectives Knowledge and understanding of the functioning of the nervous system
Prerequisites To address the topics related to the first part of the course a basic knowledge of chemistry and physics is required.
To address the topics related to the second part of the course, a basic knowledge of the anatomy of the nervous system is required.
Teaching methods Frontale lessons
Other information None
Learning verification modality Oral examination
Extended program Biophysics of neuron and muscle cell
Trans-membrane transport mechanisms (simple diffusion, passive and controlled ion channels, facilitated diffusion, primary and secondary active transport)
Cellular potentials (membrane potential, action potential)
Electrical model of the membrane (concept of model, resistance and membrane capacity, time constant)
Electrical model of passive axonal conduction (concept of model, resistance in axonal conduction, space constant, saltatory conduction)
Synapses (electrical synapses, chemical synapses, neuromediator release mechanisms)
Neuromediators and ionotropic receptors (acetylcholine, GABA, glycine, glutamate, serotonin, catecholamines and related receptors)
Metabotropic receptors (mechanism of action, second messengers, protein kinases)
Mechanisms of synaptic integration (concept of integration, model of myotatic reflex, types of synapses, inversion potential, spatial and temporal summation)
Presynaptic learning mechanisms (concept of synaptic learning, post-tetanic enhancement, habituation, sensitization, associative learning)
Postsynaptic learning mechanisms (concept of synaptic learning, Long Term Potentiation, Long Term Depression)
Biochemistry of muscle contraction (muscle cell structure, actin, myosin, troponin and tropomyosin, role of calcium, role of ATP)
Biomechanics of muscle contraction (motor unit, isometric and isotonic contraction, length-tension curve, simple shock and muscle tetanus)
Sensory system
Characteristics of the sensory system (receptor classification, receptor potential, intensity coding, adaptation)
Functional anatomy of the eye (eye structure, dioptric means, accommodation)
Retina (cones and rods, phototransduction mechanism, retinal connections)
Optical pathways and primary visual cortex (ganglion cells, chiasm, superior colliculus, lateral geniculate body, retinotopia in V1, simple and complex cortical cells)
Cortical analysis of images (via ventral and via dorsal, analysis of shape, color, distance, movement)
Somatic sensitivity (proprioceptors, tactile sensitivity, thermal sensitivity)
Pain sensitivity (types of receptor, pain pathway, primary and secondary pain, pain control)
Functional anatomy of the ear (external ear, middle ear, inner ear)
Sound transduction (basilar membrane, organ of Corti, internal and external hair cells)
Acoustic pathways and primary auditory cortex (spiral ganglion, sound localization, medial geniculate body, tonotopia)
Semicircular channels (function, structure, transduction mechanism)
Utricolo and sacculo (function, structure, transduction mechanism)
Motor system
Spinal reflexes (superficial and deep reflexes, mutual innervation)
Organization of voluntary movement (lateral and ventromedial pathway, primary motor cortex and premotor areas, base nuclei and cerebellum)
Vegetative functions
Autonomic nervous system and hypothalamus (structure, regulation functions of the various systems)
Organization of the endocrine system (concept of hormone, polypeptide and steroid hormones, control mechanisms)
Integrated stress response (definition of stress, stress phases, SNA response and hormonal response)
Higher functions
Electroencephalogram and sleep (EEG rhythms, origin of potential, synchronization, sleep phases, structures involved)
Memory (procedural and declarative memory, working and long-term, role of the hippocampus, other structures involved)
Emotions (initial theories, limbic system and Papez circuit, role of the amygdala, role of the hypothalamus)
Language and lateralization (Broca and Wernike aphasias, understanding of spoken and written language, lateralization, split brain experiments)
Attention (relations with the ocular position, imaging experiments, electrophysiology experiments)