Study-unit Sociology of Deviance and Social Control

Course name Socioanthropological studies for integration and social security
Study-unit Code A002679
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Sabina Curti
  • Sabina Curti
  • 72 ore - Sabina Curti
CFU 12
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Sector SPS/12
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Deviance. Crime. Social control. Prevention systems. Fear. Prison. Justice.
Reference texts 1. D. Melossi, Stato, controllo sociale, devianza, Bruno Mondadori 2002.
2. M.C. Nussbaum, La monarchia della paura, il Mulino 2020.
3. A. Nothomb, Cosmetica del nemico, qualsiasi edizione.
4. S. Curti, Folla, città e Covid-19: governare (con) la paura in una democrazia, in Sicurezza e scienze sociali, n. 1/2021, pp. 50-65.

For a 12 cf. examination, students must add ONE text of their choice from those below:

1. P. Combessie, Sociologia della prigione, Kaplan, Torino 2020.
2. G. Mannozzi, G.A. Lodigiani (a cura di), Giustizia riparativa. Ricostruire legami, ricostruire persone, il Mulino, Bologna 2015.
3. S. Curti, Rileggere "Dei delitti e delle pene" di Cesare Beccaria, CEDAM, Milano 2015.
4. A. Borghini, G. Pastore (a cura di), Carcere e scienze sociali. Percorsi per una nuova cultura della pena, Maggioli Editore 2020.
5. S. Vezzadini, Per una sociologia della vittima, FrancoAngeli 2012.
Educational objectives At the end of the course, the student possesses the basic knowledge required for the socio-criminological analysis of the phenomena dealt with in relation to the field of deviance and crime; the ability to approach the field of professional work with operational tools; the knowledge and skills to be able to design interventions, especially analytical, socio-cultural, preventive and extra-legal interventions, relating to deviance and crime.
Prerequisites No
Teaching methods Lectures
In-depth seminars
Video and film documentaries
Written papers
Meetings with experts and privileged witnesses
Reflexivity exercises
Other information For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA visit
Students with disabilities and/or DSA are requested to contact the lecturer at the beginning of the course
Learning verification modality The test will consist of a written examination with open questions to assess

- the understanding and knowledge of the issues dealt with, the ability to be able to place them historically and to explain the methods used;
- the ability to critically analyse the issues addressed from a scientific, ethical and social point of view;
- the ability to use sociological and criminological language in relation to the phenomena investigated;
- the ability to design social research and prevention interventions in hypothetical criminal and extra-criminal contexts.
Extended program Introduction to the course, teaching, workshop and evaluation methods.

1. Elements of the sociology of deviance and social control: analysis of the causes of deviance, systems of prevention and control.
2. Fear as an emotion and as a mechanism of social control. Fear of control, control of fear.
3. Fear of self and other: causes, effects, recursiveness. Fear, criminal(s) and victim(s).
4. Individual and social dimensions of fear. Case studies and practical observations.
5. Fear of prison and fear of leaving prison. Restorative justice.