Course name Biology
Study-unit Code GP000793
Curriculum Bionutrizionistico
Lecturer Patrizia Rosignoli
  • Patrizia Rosignoli
  • 42 ore - Patrizia Rosignoli
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector MED/42
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Health and disease, determinants of health. Prevention and promotion of health . The epidemiological approach in the study of health determinants. Foods as health determinants. Microbial, chemical and physical contamination. Quality controls in food. Statement.
Reference texts - Carla Roggi e Giovanna Turconi Igiene degli alimenti e nutrizione umana. ed EMSI
- Farris, Gobbetti, Neviani, Vincenzini. Microbiologia dei prodotti alimentari. Casa editrice ambrosiana.
- Messineo, Conti, Letizia, Tigani. Igiene e procedure diautocontrollo: HACCP nella ristorazione.
Educational objectives Understanding of the role played by foods in influencing human health in terms of both infectious and chronic-degenerative diseases. Students will also know the strategies to keep food quality under control and the legislation governing their application.
Prerequisites Microbiology
Teaching methods Face to face lessons with power point slides. In the event of a health emergency requiring social distancing, distance learning will be carried out.
Other information Frequency not mandatory but recommended
Learning verification modality Oral exam as the only final exam. The student will be asked about 3 questions that will cover the whole program.
The exam will last approximately 30 minutes.
Extended program Definition of : Hygiene, Health status, Infectious and chronic-degenerative disease, Causes and risk factors; Determinants of health.
Epidemiology: observational studies and measures of frequency and association
Foods and infectious diseases: the chain of contagion_profilassi (disinfection, sterilization and disinfestation)
Microbiological contaminants in food: examples of infectious diseases transmitted by food (diseases of bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic origin). Factors of microbial growth and control mechanisms.
Chemical contaminants in food: dioxins, PAHs, mycotoxins
Physical contaminants in food
Regulations: ISO 9000 Standards, Hygiene Package, HACCP, Labeling.
Water: direct and indirect effects on human health, potabilization strategies, by-products of chlorination and human health.
Foods and chronic-degenerative diseases: tumors.