Course name Molecular and industrial biotechnology
Study-unit Code 55A01906
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Mario Calvitti
  • Mario Calvitti
  • 52 ore - Mario Calvitti
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2022/23
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector BIO/17
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Basics on the organization of a cell and human tissues. Classification of human tissues, their organization, location and function. Basic histological techniques for their study with an optical and electronic microscope. Preparation of some primary cell cultures and their use for therapeutic purposes.
Reference texts Testo consigliato per: Istologia per le Lauree triennali e Magistrali, Bani et al. Casa Editrice Idelson-Gnocchi, 2019.

Testi consigliati per le tecniche istologiche:
M. Melis-F. Carpino-U. Di Tondo. Tecniche in Anatomia Patologica - edi-ermes.-

E. Bonucci – “Manuale di Istochimica”- Edi-Lombardo.
Educational objectives At the end of the course, student must reach the critical knowledge of:
A) morphological features of human normal tissues.
B) Staining methods - Histologic and Histochemical
C) The basic notions for the realization of cell cultures.
Prerequisites At the beginning of the lessons the student must have basic knowledge of cell biology.
Teaching methods Lectures will be held in the classroom with the use of slides. The lessons of Histological and Histological Methodologies will be held partly in the classroom as theoretical lessons and partly in the histology laboratory as a theoretical-practical activity. The Histology program will be carried out completely in the classroom as frontal lessons. The third part of the program, concerning cell culture techniques, will be carried out in the cell culture laboratories of the Department of Medicine and Surgery - Section of Biosciences and Medical Embryology - Histology laboratories as a theoretical-practical activity.
Other information Attendance is recommended in both frontal and theoretical-practical laboratory lessons.
Learning verification modality The student will have to demonstrate, with a theoretical discussion only, to know:
A) The morphological and functional aspects of the different human tissues;
B) The basic techniques of histological and histochemical methodologies;
C) The basic notions for the realization of cell cultures.
Extended program Course of Histology. Lining epithelium: general considerations, classification and main examples. Exocrine and endocrine glands: classification and examples.
Connective tissues and adipose tissue. Cartilage. Bone tissue. Bone development. Blood (plasma; erythrocytes, granulocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes, platelets).
Muscular tissues: morphology of smooth and striated muscles. Molecular mechanism of contraction. Nervous tissue: general organization. Neurons and neuroglial cells.
Nerve fibers, peripheral nerves. Synapses: morpho-functional organization. Staining methods - Histologic and Histochemical. Tissue fixation. Aldehyde fixative. Formalin. Glutaraldehyde. Formaldehyde. Bouin's fluid. Osmium tetroxide as fixative. Decalcification of bone. Dehydration. Paraffin embedding. Tissue Sectioning. Microtome with paraffin section. Cold microtome (cryostat) methods. Microtome with frozen section. Frozen section routines. Paraffin section methods. Deparaffinization. Treatment of section before and after staining. Dehydration of paraffin section. Mounting of sections. Ematoxylin and Eosin for paraffin section. Azan-Mallory. Alcian blu-haematoxylin staining. Alcian blue 8GX for acid mucopolysaccharides. The Periodic Acid-Schiff Reaction (PAS). PAS- haematoxylin staining. Alcian blue-PAS stain. Toluidine blue stains for metachromasia. Resorcin fuchsin stain of Weigert. Weigert for elastic fiber stain. Von Kossa method for phosphates and carbonates. Silver impregnation method for reticulum fibers. Sudan III. Immunofluorescence. Electron microscopy.
Cell culture. Isolation of cells. Maintaining cells in culture. Manipulation of cultured cells. Media changes. Passaging cells. Applications of cell culture.