Study-unit ETHOLOGY

Course name Biology
Study-unit Code GP004074
Curriculum Bioambientale
Lecturer Manuela Rebora
  • Manuela Rebora
  • 42 ore - Manuela Rebora
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline del settore biodiversità e ambiente
Sector BIO/05
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction English
Contents Ethology's aims and history. The questions about behaviour. Proximate causation. Modern ethology. Fixed action pattern and releasing stimuli. The ethogram. The formation and regulation of the behavior in the development of the individual. Sensitive periods. Learning (abituation, association) and memory. Play. Imitation. Neuroetholgy. Higher centers of neuronal control. Genes and behavior. Behaviour and phylogeny. Behavioural Ecology (to survive, to find food, to find a place where to live, the communication, the reproduction, social behavior, the human behavior).
Reference texts John Alcock "Etologia, un approccio evolutivo" Ed. Zanichelli
Raymond Campman, Felicita Scapini "Etologia" Ed Zanichelli
Educational objectives To be able to analyse the animal behaviour under an evolutionary perspective, to be able to create an ethogram
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of zoology and animal biology
Teaching methods frontal lessons
Other information Frequency optional but strongly advised
Learning verification modality The exam is an oral test consisting of an interview lasting about 30-40 30 minutes with two -three questions to ascertain the student's level of knowledge and understanding capability acquired on the different contents indicated in the program. During the oral examination the student's communication skills will be also evaluated.
Extended program Ethology's aims and history. The questions about behaviour. Proximate causation. Modern ethology. Fixed action pattern and releasing stimuli. The ethogram. The formation and regulation of the behavior in the development of the individual. Sensitive periods. Learning (abituation, association) and memory. Play. Imitation. Neuroetholgy. Higher centers of neuronal control. Genes and behavior. Behaviour and phylogeny. Behavioural Ecology (to survive, to find food, to find a place where to live, the communication, the reproduction, social behavior, the human behavior).
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile The course deals with topics that allow to acquire the skills necessary to pursue the aims of the 2030 Agenda