Study-unit CALCULUS

Course name Tourism economics and management
Study-unit Code A003479
Location ASSISI
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Andrea Capotorti
  • Andrea Capotorti
  • 42 ore - Andrea Capotorti
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Base
Area Statistico-matematico
Sector SECS-S/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Elementary real functions and their shifting. Differential calculus and full function’s study. Theory of integration and its meaning. Linear algebra. Hints on optimization problems in economy.
Reference texts K. Sydsæter, P. Hammond, A. Strøm, A. Carvajal: Metodi matematici per l’economia. Pearson Ed.
Additional notes on Unistudium
Possibility of deepening and exercises on MyLab website from Pearson
Educational objectives To learn and understand basic notions for the analysis of elementary real functions and linear algebra. To learn the logical/mathematical formalism. To be able to fully understand graphics and formula.
Prerequisites To be able to follow and understand the course it is mandatory:
- to be able to compute and manipulate equalities and inequalities of I and II degree;
- to manipulate algebraic expressions.
Teaching methods Standard lectures on all the subjects and explicit solutions of prototypical exercises to better understand the theoretical parts and to be able to face the written examination
Other information For students with Specific Learning Disorders and/or Disabilities please refer to the web page:
Learning verification modality Written examinations designed to evaluate abilities to face and solve formal problems expressed in mathematical language.
The exam contains between 3 and 6 problems, depending on the difficulty of their solutions and on the exhaustiveness of the exam.

Each problem will have an explicit maximum score obtainable by a right and well explained solution.

The examination can be splitted in two partial parts for those who will follow the lectures, or be full for all the others.
Each examination should be completed before 2 hours.
Those who will receive a grade between 15 and 17, to pass the exam should pass a further written additional test. Exercises will be on subject and of the kind explained in the lectures.
For students with Specific Learning Disorders and/or Disabilities please refer to the web page:
Extended program Basic notions: sets; functions; composed functions; power, exponential and logarithmic functions. Differential calculus: derivative and its economic applications; elementary functions’ derivatives; derivation rules. Deepenings: functions’ local approximation; derivative and monotonicity, derivative sign study; limits; continuous functions. Economic applications: marginality, increasing rates, function’s elasticity. Integral calculus: definite and indefinite integrals; fundamental theorem of integral calculus, economic applications: cash flows, consumer and producer surplus. Optimization: optimum problems; free and constrained maxima and minima. Linear algebra: vectors operations, scalar product.