
Course name Tourism economics and management
Study-unit Code A003480
Location ASSISI
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Simone Budelli
  • Simone Budelli
  • 63 ore - Simone Budelli
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Base
Area Giuridico
Sector IUS/09
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents 1) The legal phenomenon and the main partitions in the study of law (legal subjects, legal systems and norms, sources and criteria for the application and interpretation of the norms)
2) Theory of the State, with specific attention to both the institutional transformations that characterize the contemporary State, between infra-state autonomies and international interdependencies (starting with the European dimension): bodies of the European Union (Council, Commission, Parliament, CJEU) of the State ( Government, Parliament, President of the Republic, Constitutional Court and Judiciary - Second Part of the Constitution) and local authorities (Regions, Provinces and Municipalities)
3) Fundamental principles, rights and duties of the citizen (First part of the Constitution)
4) Public administration and the administrative procedure (Law n. 241/90 ss. mm. ii.)
Reference texts Laws (available on the internet):
1) Italian Costitution
2) L. 241/90
The student may choose one of the following books, as long as it is the latest edition:
- R. Bin - G. Pitruzzella, Diritto pubblico, Giappichelli, Torino.
- S. Trolio, Lineamenti multimediali di diritto pubblico, Giappichelli, Torino.
- T. Groppi - A. Simoncini, Introduzione allo studio del diritto pubblico e delle sue fonti, Giappichelli, Torino.
Only for Erasmus students:
L. Tramontano, Schemi e lezioni di diritto pubblico, Maggioli
Educational objectives 1) The rights and duties of the citizen, as guaranteed by the Constitution and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
2) The fundamental elements of knowledge of the legal phenomenon (interpretation and application of the law),
3) The fundamental elements of knowledge of public bodies with particular reference to those that manage tourism policies (organisation, functions and procedures)
Prerequisites No formal prerequisites are required to attend the course.
Teaching methods Teaching is imparted through frontal lessons. Compatibly with availability, educational visits and in-depth seminars will be carried out on topics of particular relevance.
Other information Office hour is on Tuesday, 12:00 -13:30. Students are kindly requested to write to in order to set up an appointment.
Learning verification modality The final exam will be oral. During the course, exercises with multiple choice questionnaires will be carried out without obligation to participate to allow the student to self-assess the level of his/her preparation
Extended program Elements of general theory of law
Sources of law
Forms of state and forms of government
The Constitution: Rights and duties of citizens
Constitution. State functions and bodies
President of the Republic
Constitutional Court
The PA and the public organization in tourism matters