Course name Economics and management of sustainable development
Study-unit Code A003023
Location TERNI
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Massimo Eroli
  • Massimo Eroli
  • Simone Mezzacapo (Codocenza)
  • 42 ore - Massimo Eroli
  • 42 ore (Codocenza) - Simone Mezzacapo
CFU 12
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Giuridico
Sector IUS/05
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian

- EU principles and rules on the protection of personal data in the digital economy.

- Distance contracts, electronic documents and electronic signatures (simple, advanced and qualified).

- Protection of consumers and users of banking and financial services.

- Protection of consumer and user of payment services.


- Introduction and subject matter. The evolution of the regulatory framework.

- The EU and Italian financial supervisory authorities, the European system of financial supervision.

- The banking activity and banking regulation.

- Lending and financing services and article 106 of the Italian CBA.

- Payment services and e-Money.

- Antimoney laundering rules and controls.

- Business regulation. The supervision on firms regulated by the Italian CFA.

- Business regulation. Fit and proper requisites for shareholders and members of management and controlling, corporate governance.

- Investment services and activities.

- Distance marketing of financial services.

- Collective investment in transferable securities and investment funds.

- Prudential regulation.

- Crisis management measures.

- Other intermediaries: pension funds; financial intermediaries, securitization companies.

- Trading venues.

- Public offers of financial products.

- Takeover bids.

- Companies transparency; insider trading; market abuses.

- Regulation of issuers of financial instruments.
Reference texts Reference documentes:

a) the most updated version of the Testo Unico Bancario (Legislative Decree n. 385/1993) and Testo Unico della Finanza (Legislative Decree n. 58/1998) which can be downloaded for free at and

b) the most updated version of the GDPR which can be downloaded for free at

Refecence books:

1) F. CAPRIGLIONE, Manuale di Diritto Bancario e Finanziario (Cedam, Padova, 2019)

or in alternative

2) Filippo Annunziata, La disciplina del mercato mobiliare, Giappichelli, last published version

and in addition

3) Alessandra Quarta, Guido Smorto, Diritto Privato dei Mercati Digitali (Le Monnier, Milano, 2020), except chapter 5 e 6 or papers
Educational objectives Learning outcomes:

1) knowledge and understanding: the national and EU regulation of banks, financial intermediaries, Payment Institutions, e-Money institutions, investment firms, collective investment in transferable securities and investment fund managers, trading of financial instruments.

2) applying knowledge and understanding: compliance experts, analysis and implementation of banking and financial regulation.
Prerequisites In order to get the most out of class attendance and in any case prior to the beginning of the exam preparation, it is recommended to have successfully completed all mandatory preparatory examinations and have adequate knowledge of the main elements of: Public Law, Private Law, Commercial Law, European Union law.
Teaching methods face-to-face classes and lectures.

Possibility to organize (on a voluntary basis) seminars and student groups for the analysis and discussion (during ad hoc lectures) of specific subjects.
Other information none
Learning verification modality One oral exam.

The exam consists of a discussion of some of the course topics of about 15-20 minutes and is aimed at verifying the knowledge of the matter and the ability to analise, explain and applying the concepts studied.

It is possible to consult the texts of relevant laws and regulations.

Info on support services for students with disabilities and/or learning disability please visit

- burden of proof and civil evidence
- IT document
- electronic signature
- certified mail
- Oppressive and abusive clauses
- The telematic contract
- E-commerce
- Electronic payments
- Online banking services
- Consumer protection in distance contracts


- Introduction, subject matter and evolution of the regulation.
- The EU and Italian supervisory authorities
- Business regulation. The supervision of banks, financial intermediaries, Payment Institutions, e-Money institutions and investment firms.
- Business regulation. Fit and proper requisites for shareholders and members of management and controlling, corporate governance.
- Banking activity, collecting of savings from the public, payment services and e-money, investment services and activities.
- Distance marketing of financial services.
- Collective investment in transferable securities and investment funds.
- Prudential regulation.
- Crisis management measures.
- Other intermediaries: pension funds; financial intermediaries, securitization companies.
- Trading venues.
- Public offers of financial products.
- Takeover bids.
- Companies transparency; insider trading; market abuses.
- Regulation of issuers of financial instruments.
- Antimoney laundering rules and controls.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Reduce inequalities
Responsible consumption and production