Course name Business administration
Study-unit Code 20004206
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2024/25
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Statistico-matematico
Sector SECS-S/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare


Code 20004206
Location PERUGIA
Lecturer Gianna Figa' Talamanca
  • Gianna Figa' Talamanca
  • 42 ore - Gianna Figa' Talamanca
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Statistico-matematico
Sector SECS-S/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)


Code 20004206
Location PERUGIA
Lecturer Alessandra Cretarola
  • Alessandra Cretarola
  • 42 ore - Alessandra Cretarola
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Statistico-matematico
Sector SECS-S/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian.
Contents Temporal structure of financial exchanges, capital, interest (linear and exponential laws). Financial operations, annuities, amortization plans. Internal rate of return. Value function, non-abitrage pricing under certainty, term structure of interest rates. Temporal indices and variability indices.
Reference texts 1) G. Castellani, M. De Felice, F. Moriconi, Manuale di Finanza, vol. I, Il Mulino, 2005.
2) M. Pagliacci, Appunti di Calcolo Finanziario, 2015 (available on the e-learning platform Unistudium).

Further teaching material, such as updated notes from the lecturer, solving of the proposed exercises and past exam papers, is available on Unistudium.
Educational objectives The objective is to give to the students the skills needed to understand the theoretical basis of financial operations under certainty and to solve in practice the problems that a financial operator has to face in the management of a company.
Prerequisites The student must have the mathematical skills covered by the course Matematica Generale.
Teaching methods Face-to-face.
Other information 1) Teaching support: possible exercise training carried on by a tutor (date, time and room will be communicated during face-to-face lectures). 2) Attendance: Optional but strongly advised.
Learning verification modality The exam consists of a written test that includes both theoretical and practical exercises, with questions in both closed and open formats. The theoretical section accounts for 10/30 of the final grade.

Students who score 18 or higher can choose either to record the grade as it stands or to take an optional oral exam within the corresponding exam session. For written exams taken during the summer session (June-July-September), the oral exam must be completed by the September session. For exams taken during the winter session (January-February), the oral exam must be completed by the February session. Booking for the oral exam should follow the instructions provided by the instructor, which will be communicated upon the publication of the written exam results on the Unistudium platform. This ensures the creation of a schedule for the oral exams. Students wishing to record their grade or take the oral exam in a session after passing the written exam must still register on the SOL (the University of Perugia's Online Service) system for the chosen session to have their grade officially recorded.

If a student does not pass the written or oral exam, or wishes to retake the written exam, they may attend the next available session. Submitting a written exam at a session will result in the definitive forfeiture of any grade obtained in a previous session (the most recent grade will overwrite the previous one, even if it is lower).

The review of the written exam and the corresponding oral exams for a specific session will be held between 3 and 10 days after the written exam, depending on the number of participants and the exams to be corrected.

Registration for the written exam is done online via SOL:

For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or learning disabilities, visit this page:
Extended program The exchange of monetary amounts due at different times. Bonds. The fundamental quantities of financial mathematics (interest, discount factor and compounding factor, interest rate and discount rate, intensity of interest and discount). Relations between the fundamental quantities. Conventions: linear law and exponential law. Equivalent interest rates. The term structure of spot interest rates.Financial operations. Value of a financial operation with respect to a given law and a term structure. Fair financial operations.The internal rate of return of a financial transaction. The TAEG in consumer credit. Equilibrium value of a cash flow.Financial annuities. Evaluation of the various types of annuities (immediate and deferred, anticipated and postponed, temporary and perpetual, fixed-rate and variable-rate). Fixed rate and floating rate amortization plans.Value function and market prices. No risky arbitrages. Spot and forward contracts. Implied rates. Term structure of interest rates. Temporal indices and variability indices.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile

Digital Information Service by Lidia Pozzoblu - Thanks to Aldo Bizzilupo for Web site and other technical assistance.