
Course name Computer science and electronic engineering
Study-unit Code A003141
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
CFU 12
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2024/25
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata

Code A003129
Lecturer Renzo Perfetti
  • Renzo Perfetti
  • 54 ore - Renzo Perfetti
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector ING-IND/31
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Introduction to circuit analysis
Reference texts R. Perfetti, Circuiti Elettrici, Zanichelli, 2^ ed., 2013
Educational objectives Knowledge of basic linear circuit properties. Ability to predict and illustrate the behavior of simple circuits. Ability to use the main analysis techniques for linear circuits.
Prerequisites Analisi matematica I, Fisica I
Teaching methods Face to face lessons
Learning verification modality Written exam. Duration: 2 hours. Solution of some exercises.
Extended program Current and voltage. Kirchhoff's laws. Power. Conservation of power.
Resistor. Open circuit and short circuit. Independent voltage and current sources. Voltage and current division. Series and parallel connection of resistors. Series and parallel connection of independent sources. Controlled sources. Substitution principle. Source transformations. Wye-delta transformation. Nodal analysis. Millman's theorem. Analysis of op-amp circuits. Linearity. Superposition principle. Thevenin's and Norton's theorems. Resistive two-port networks.
Capacitor and inductor: properties and series-parallel combinations. First order circuits: differential equation and solution. Response to a piecewise constant input. RLC circuits: differential equation and solution.
Review on complex numbers. Phasor representation. Response of a first order circuit to a sinusoidal input. Symbolic analysis of circuits in the phasor domain. Impedance and admittance. Power in sinusoidal steady-state. Instantaneous, active, reactive and complex power, r.m.s. value. Conservation of complex power. Power factor correction and maximum power transfer.
Three-phase circuits. Ideal transformer. Coupled inductors.
Network functions in the frequency domain. Amplitude and phase response. Passive and active filters. Resonant circuits.

Code A003142
Lecturer Francesco Cottone
  • Francesco Cottone
  • 54 ore - Francesco Cottone
Learning activities Base
Area Fisica e chimica
Sector FIS/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction ITALIAN
The course of Physics 2 collects the fundamental laws of electro-magnetism and it’s divided in two main parts.
In the first part, it includes the main concepts of electrical charge, Coulomb interaction, Electric field and simple circuits.
In the second part, the course regards the charges in motion as source of magnetic field, le laws of electromagnetic induction, le interaction forces between electrical currents up to the synthesis of Maxwell equations in integral form to the wave's equations.
Reference texts
D. Halliday, R.Resnick, J. Walker. Fondamenti di Fisica. Electromagnetism, Optics - Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
Tipler, Mosca - Corso di Fisica 2 - Electricity Magnetism, Optics - Zanichelli;

Any other basic University textbook on General Physics on Electromagnetism.
Lecture notes of the teacher on Unistudium website
Educational objectives
Acquisition of basic knowledge of the concepts of electric charge, electrostatic interaction, electric field and potential, currents, magnetic fields, induction laws and Maxwell equations.
Ability to understand the main physical phenomena and to know how to interpret them with the fundamental laws.
Ability to solve basic exercises and problems.

Algebra, Trigonometry, Fundamentals of integral calculus (derivatives and simple integrals).

Teaching methods
Lectures, classroom exercises with the lecturer and/or tutor, seminars, in-depth study with bench or virtual experiments.

Other information
Although not mandatory, the frequency of lessons and exercises is strongly recommended.
Learning verification modality
Single written test and subsequent oral test in written form at the end of the course.
Written test:
1) duration: 2 hours, at the end of the course.
2) type: consists of the performance of 3 physics exercises, each exercise is assigned a score of 10 points that contributes to the final evaluation out of a total of 30 points. The oral test is entered with a score of at least 18/30.
3) Objectives: aims to ascertain the ability to apply the main concepts of the course in order to solve basic problems on the topics of Electrostatics, Electric Circuits and Magnetism.

Oral test:

Will be conducted on the same day or on the day following the written paper. It will be in written form

1) duration: maximum 1 hour.
2) type: consists primarily of open-ended questions on course topics to be described and detailed with demonstrations and applications to phenomena.
3) objectives: aims to ascertain the degree of knowledge and mastery and ability to communicate the fundamental concepts of electromagnetism also with application references relevant to the Chemistry course.

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Extended program
1. Introduction.
Introduction to electromagnetism, historical notes. The quantized electric charge, conservation of the charge.
2. Electrical properties of materials.
Coulomb's law, parallel with the law of Universal Gravitation. Classification of materials for electrical properties. Insulators, conductors and semiconductors. Introduction to semiconductor applications (examples: LED diode, transistor).
3. Electric fields.
The electric field generated by a point charge. Electric field from a charge distribution. Electric dipole. Field generated by a ring and a uniformly loaded disk.
4. Gauss theorem and electric dipole.
Dipole in an electric field. Torque. Vector field flow. Gauss theorem. Applications of the Gauss law. Gauss's law and Coulomb's law. Insulated load conductor, field generated by: an infinite flat conductor, two conductive plates, spherical symmetry conductor.
5. Potential energy and electrical potential.
Faraday cage. Electric potential energy. Electrical potential. Potential difference. Engine work and hard work. Radial electric field. Potential in a uniform electric field between two conductive plates. Electric field of N point charges, superposition principle. Electric dipole potential. Electric capacity. Potential due to a point charge and a discrete set of point charges. Electric dipole potential. Torque and potential energy of a dipole immersed in a field. Electrical capacity of a charged conductor.
6. Capacitors.
Flat face condenser, cylindrical condenser, spherical condenser. Series and parallel capacitors. Electrostatic energy. Energy stored in an electric field. Energy density. Capacitor in the presence of dielectric. Examples of polar (water) and non-polar dielectrics.
7. Electric current and resistance.
Definition of electric current. Microscopic interpretation of current in a conductor. Drift speed and current density. Electrical resistance and resistivity. Brief reference to semiconductor and superconducting materials.
8. The electrical circuits.
First and second Ohm's law. Microscopic aspects. Electrical circuits, definition of branches, knots and meshes. Solving methods of electrical circuits. Kirchhoff's first and second law. Applications of Kirchhoff's laws. Voltage and current divider. Real and ideal voltage generator. Work and electrical power. The Joule effect. Charge and discharge of a capacitor.
9. The magnetic field and interactions with electric charges.
Magnetic field sources. The Lorentz force. Motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field. Thomson experiment and measurement of the mass ratio on charge. Motion of a charged particle in an electromagnetic field. Motion of a charged particle with oblique velocity with respect to the magnetic field. Helical motion. The Hall Effect. The cyclotron. Wire run by electric current in a magnetic field, Laplace's law. Coil with current immersed in a magnetic field.
10. Magnetic dipole moment.
Torque and potential energy of a magnetic dipole in the field. Parallel with the electric dipole. Moment of a permanent magnet. The electric motor. Ampère equivalence principle.
11. Magnetic fields generated by currents.
The law of Biot-Savart. Magnetic field generated by an infinite rectilinear wire. Force exerted by two rectilinear wires running or current. Ampère's law and its applications. Magnetic field generated by a current path arc. Field inside a circular spire. Ampère circuit law. Magnetic field outside and inside a current-carrying wire. Magnetic field inside a solenoid.

12. Electromagnetic induction.
Faraday-Neumann's law, Lenz's law. Induction experiments, moving magnet, moving wire on a fixed magnetic field. Calculation of the force generated in opposition to the movement, calculation of the power generated and of the thermal power dissipated on a resistive load. Induced electric field. Faraday's generalized law. Inductors and inductances. Definition of inductance. Inductance in a solenoid. Resolution of the RL circuit.
13. Maxwell equations and magnetic properties of matter.
Ferromagnetic, paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials. Maxwell equations, the displacement current. Classical coil model of magnetic dipoles in the material. Magnetic orbital and spin moment of the electron. Bohr's magneton. Introduction to quantum magnetic moments.

Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
Contributing to the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in an undergraduate General Physics course can be done through several initiatives:

- Include examples and case studies in the course that illustrate the use of physics in sustainable technologies, such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, and environmental impact reduction.

- Hands-on projects: Encourage students to develop projects that use physics principles to solve sustainability-related problems, such as creating solutions for cleaning water or optimizing solar energy systems.

- Discussions and debates: Organize discussions on how physics can contribute to achieving sustainable development goals, encouraging students to reflect on the importance of science as a tool for social change.