Course name Foreign languages and cultures
Study-unit Code A003406
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Emanuela Costantini
  • Emanuela Costantini
  • 36 ore - Emanuela Costantini
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2024/25
Learning activities Base
Area Discipline storiche, geografiche e socio-antropologiche
Sector M-STO/04
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course aims to reconstruct the processes of nation-state formation from the 19th century to the present, with a special ficus on Eastern Europe.
Reference texts Studenti attendign the course:
E. Hosch, Storia dei Balcani, Il Mulino, 2006
S. Cavazza, Nazione, nazionalismo e folklore, Il Mulino, 2023
Studenti not attending the coursei:
A. Pitassio, Storia dell'Europa orientale, Morlacchi, 2011, da p. 177-407
S. Cavazza, Nazione, nazionalismo e folklore, Il Mulino, 2023
Educational objectives To investigate one of the processes that have marked European history over the past two centuries, redefining the map of Europe.
Prerequisites Knowledge of the basic outlines of modern and contemporary history.
Teaching methods Lectures, classroom discussions, seminars.
Other information DSA students are invited to make direct contact with the lecturer in order to agree on content, supplementary teaching materials and learning verification methods.
Learning verification modality Oral.
For students with DSA agreed with the teacher on a needs basis
Extended program The course will begin by studying the elaboration of the concept of nation and then analyze the birth and development of European nation-states from the nineteenth century to World War I. It will then study how the national question was present during the Cold War and finally arrive at the reemergence of nationalist ideals as a driving force in continental politics after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile The course falls under objective 16 in that it aims to provide knowledge tools to understand the current geopolitical order.