Course name Biotechnology
Study-unit Code A000403
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
CFU 12
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code A000404
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline biotecnologiche con finalità specifiche: biologiche e industriali
Sector BIO/05
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Lecturer Manuela Rebora
  • Manuela Rebora
  • Anna Fagotti
  • 62 ore - Manuela Rebora
  • 5 ore - Anna Fagotti
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The organizational levels and diversification of the models (acoelomates, pseudocoelomates, coelomates). System functionality and complexity. Reproductive strategies. Organism/environment interactions. Particular attention to the species used as animal models, to the organisms relevant for the biotechnology field, to biomimetics and synthesis of bioactive compounds.
Reference texts Hickman, Roberts, Larson, L'Anson Fondamenti di Zoologia, Diversità Animale Ed. McGraw, Hill
Educational objectives The student will acquire the basic notions of animal biology.
The main knowledge gained will be:
- Main animal vital functions
- Body plan of the main animal Phyla
The main skills (the ability to apply the knowledge) will be:

- To understaqnd the evolution of the main animal vital functions

- To be able to assign an animal model to the right Phylum on the basis of its body plan
-To learn how to use the light microscope and the stereomicroscope for the observation of specimens on slide and samples in toto of invertebrates
- To learn how to use a dichotomous key for the determination of a zoological preparation
-To learn the techniques of breeding, maintenance and manipulation of an insect model, Drosophila melanogaster
-To learn the dissection techniques under the stereomicroscope
- To provide theoretical and practical skills related to deparaffining and subsequent staining of histological sections on the slide for subsequent assembly and observation under an optical microscope
-To provide theoretical and practical skills related to the correct use of the optical microscope for the observation of colored histological slides and the related tissue recognition
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of cellular biology
Teaching methods Theoretical lessons and practical training
Other information Frequency is optional but strongly adviced
Learning verification modality The present module is part of the integrated course "Laboratory of Biotechnologies." The exam includes a written test and an oral interview. The exam grade will result from the average of the grades obtained in each of the two modules. To facilitate the student's credit acquisition, there is the possibility of a partial test for both modules. The grade obtained in the partial test will be valid for one year for the completion of the exam.

The oral exam for the Basic Biotechnologies and Animal Models module (two to three general questions about the main animal functions and studied phyla, approximately 20 minutes) aims to verify the acquisition of topics covered during frontal teaching and laboratory hours. In particular, it aims to assess, through a student's independently developed speech, their awareness of the proposed concepts and the ability to connect the main animal functions to the studied phyla, also using examples and practical references to activities carried out in the laboratory.

For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or specific learning disabilities (DSA) and the possibility of accessing compensatory and dispensatory measures for the exam, visit the page However, teachers are always available for further information.

In case the student intends to take the exam a year earlier than scheduled in the study plan, it is recommended to attend the lecturer and take the exam in the first available session after the conclusion of the lectures, respecting the semester scheduling of the teaching.
Extended program Organizational models: phylum and bauplan, levels of organization, diblastica and triblastica organisation, radial and bilateral symmetry, cephalization, the coelom, the functions of the body cavity, animals acelomati, pseudocoelomates, eucelomati differences protostomes and deuterostomes, the metamerism.The vital functions: integumentary system in invertebrates and vertebrates, colors, skeletal systems, hydrostatic skeleton, rigid skeleton, animal movement, amoeboid movement, ciliary and flagellar movement, pedal locomotion, locomotion with with ambulacral pedicels, with arts, nutrition, types of nutrition, intracellular and extracellular digestion, evolution of the digestive system, circulation, circulatory system, closed and open, evolution of the circulatory system in invertebrates and in vertebrates, respiration, tracheal system of insects, osmoregulation, excretion in aquatic and subaerial animals, evolution of 'excretory system (protonefridi and metanefridi), nervous system, major trends, asexual and sexual reproduction, gametes, sexual dimorphism, determinism of sex, hermaphroditism, parthenogenesis, types of fertilization, oviparous species, ovoviviparous, viviparous.
Porifera: organizational models, metabolism, choanocytes, spicules, reproduction, gemmules, in commercial use, role and use of intermediate metabolites.
Cnidaria: morphological diversification, polyp and medusa, nematocysts, metabolism, reproduction, class Anthozoa (Octocorals, Hexacorallia, corals), class Scifozoa (life cycles), cubozoans class, class Hydrozoa, the Green Fluorescein Protein (GFP) extracted from jellyfish. Platyhelminthes: metabolism, reproduction, free forms (class Turbellaria) and parasitic forms, class trematodes , class Tapeworms. Aschelminti: pseudocoelom, Eutelia, cryptobiosis, the Nematodes, features, free forms and parasitic forms , Caenorhabditis elegans, the plant parasitic nematodes, nematodes and the biological control. Annelids: the conquest of a true coelom, Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, Hirudinea, general characteristics, the ecological role of the earthworm reproduction in the earthworm. Mollusks: general characteristics, the structure of the shell, class Gastropoda, Bivalvia class, class Cephalopoda.
Arthropods: General, Class Arachnids, Crustaceans class, class Diplopoda, Chilopoda class, class Insects, the great evolutionary success of insects, insects and chemical communication, insects and bioluminescence, the societies of insects, and the insects' man, pollinators, pests, biological control, genetic manipulation, the male sterile technique (SIT) and genetically modified organisms, plants BT, insects commercially exploited by man. Echinoderms: general characteristics, class Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea class, class Echinoidea Class Holothuroidea, Crinoidea class. Chordata: subphylum Urochordata, subphylum Cephalochordata, subphylum vertebrates: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals.

Practical lessons: dissection of an insect. Observation of specimens belonging to the different Animal Phyla, the optical microscope and the stereomicroscope will be used for the observation of specimens on slide and samples of invertebrates, a dichotomous key will be used for the determination of a zoological preparation, the techniques of breeding, maintenance and manipulation of a model insect (Drosophila melanogaster) will be learned, , the techniques of dissection of an invertebrate under the stereomicroscope will be learned, theoretical and practical skills related to the deparaffination and subsequent staining of histological sections on the slide for observation under an optical microscope will be provided, theoretical and practical skills related to the correct use of the optical microscope for the observation of colored histological slides and the related tissue recognition will be provided
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile The course deals with topics that allow to acquire the skills necessary to pursue the aims of the 2030 Agenda

Canale B

Lecturer Silvana Piersanti
  • Silvana Piersanti
  • Anna Fagotti
  • 62 ore - Silvana Piersanti
  • 5 ore - Anna Fagotti
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The organizational plans and the variety of animal models (coelomate, pseudocoelomate, coelomate, radiate and bilaterian etc.). Functionality and complexity of body plans. Interaction between animals and the environment. Basic concepts of biological evolution and biodiversity. Reproductive strategies. Particular attention to the species used as animal models, to organisms of interest in the biotechnological field, to biomimicry and to the production of biologically active substances.
Use of the microscope. Preparation and staining of preparations with histological, histochemical and immunocytochemical techniques. Observation and recognition of preparations (slides) under the optical microscope.
Reference texts Hickman C.P., Roberts L.S., Keen S.L., Larson, Larson A, Eisenhour D.J. Fondamenti di Zoologia. Ed. McGraw, Hill
Hickman C.P., Roberts L.S., Keen S.L., Larson, Larson A, Eisenhour D.J. Diversità Animale. Ed. McGraw, Hill
Slides provided by the teacher.
Educational objectives The course represents the only zoology course of the program and therefore aims to provide basic principles of the functioning, evolution, and biodiversity of animals, essential for understanding application approaches typical of biotechnology. The student will acquire the basic notions of animal biology and animal models. The main knowledge will be: - Main animal vital functions - Body plan of the main animal Phyla The main skills (the ability to apply the knowledge) will be: - To understand the evolution of the main animal vital functions - To be able to assign an animal model to the right Phylum on the basis of its body plan - Knowledge and understanding of structural and biological properties of animal and plant cells and tissues - Ability to recognize tissues by examining histological images of tissue specimens - Ability to use independently the light microscope. The acquired competences will be in the field of biotechnology.
Prerequisites In order to comprehend the topics covered in the course, participate in both classroom and laboratory exercises, and acquire the expected skills, it is necessary to have studied and preferably passed the general biology exam, including elements of cytology and histology.
Teaching methods The course consists of:

Theoretical lessons covering all topics of the course
Practical activities and classroom simulations with the main animal models
Practical activities involving the preparation, manipulation, and observation under the optical microscope of whole samples and slides of the main animal models
Other information Attendance is optional but strongly advised. The schedule of lessons and exams is available on the Department's website: . The teacher can be contacted by e-mail for any inquiries (exam dates, concepts). Additional teaching materials, such as course slides or scientific publications related to the topics discussed, will be made available to all students with free access on the uni-studium website during the course.
Learning verification modality This module is part of the integrated course "Biotechnology Laboratory". The exam learning assessment includes a written test and an oral interview. The exam mark will result from the average of the marks gained in each of the two modules. To facilitate the student's acquisition of credits, both modules offer the possibility of a partial test. The mark obtained in the partial test will be valid for one year for the purpose of completing the exam.
The oral test of the Basic Biotechnology and Animal Models module (two-three general questions on the main animal functions and the phyla studied, approximately 20 minutes) is aimed at verifying the acquisition of the topics addressed during the hours of frontal teaching and laboratory . In particular, we want to verify, through a discussion developed by the student independently, his awareness of the proposed concepts and the ability to connect the main animal functions to the phyla studied, also through examples and practical references to the activities carried out during the laboratory hours.

For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA and the possibility of accessing compensatory and dispensatory measures provided for the exam, visit the page However, the teachers are always available for further information.
In the event that the student intends to bring the exam forward to a year prior to the one scheduled in the study plan, it is recommended to attend the series of lessons and take the exam in the first available session after the lessons themselves have ended, in therefore respecting the teaching planning semester.
Extended program Biological Evolution:
Fundamental principles, neo-Darwinism, natural selection, genetic variability, adaptation to the environment, and coevolution.

Concept of biodiversity, animal biodiversity, and its importance, protection of biodiversity and its significance.

Organizational Models:
Phylum and bauplan, levels of organization, diblastic and triploblastic organization, radial and bilateral symmetry, cephalization, the coelom, functions of the body cavity, acelomate, pseudocoelomate, and eucoelomate differences, protostomes and deuterostomes, metamerism.

Vital Functions:
Integumentary system in invertebrates and vertebrates, colors, skeletal systems, hydrostatic skeleton, rigid skeleton, animal movement (amoeboid, ciliary, flagellar, pedal locomotion, ambulacral pedicels, arts), nutrition, types of nutrition, intracellular and extracellular digestion, evolution of the digestive system, circulation (closed and open systems), evolution of the circulatory system in invertebrates and vertebrates, respiration, tracheal system of insects, osmoregulation, excretion in aquatic and subaerial animals, evolution of the excretory system (protonephridia and metanephridia), nervous system, asexual and sexual reproduction, gametes, sexual dimorphism, determinism of sex, hermaphroditism, parthenogenesis, types of fertilization, oviparous species, ovoviviparous, viviparous.

Organizational models, metabolism, choanocytes, spicules, reproduction, gemmules, commercial use, role and use of intermediate metabolites.

Morphological diversification, polyp and medusa, nematocysts, metabolism, reproduction, Anthozoa class (Octocorals, Hexacorallia, corals), Scyphozoa class (life cycles), Cubozoa class, Hydrozoa class, Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) extracted from jellyfish.

Metabolism, reproduction, free forms (Turbellaria class) and parasitic forms, Trematoda class, Cestoda class.

Pseudocoelom, Eutely, cryptobiosis, Nematoda class, features, free and parasitic forms, Caenorhabditis elegans, plant-parasitic nematodes, nematodes and biological control.

Conquest of a true coelom, Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, Hirudinea, general characteristics, ecological role of the earthworm, reproduction in the earthworm.

General characteristics, structure of the shell, Gastropoda class, Bivalvia class, Cephalopoda class.

General, Arachnida class, Crustacea class, Diplopoda class, Chilopoda class, Insecta class, evolutionary success of insects, chemical communication, bioluminescence, insect societies, interaction with humans (pollinators, pests), biological control, genetic manipulation, male sterile technique (SIT), genetically modified organisms, BT plants, commercially exploited insects.

General characteristics, Asteroidea class, Ophiuroidea class, Echinoidea class, Holothuroidea class, Crinoidea class.

Subphylum Urochordata, Subphylum Cephalochordata, Subphylum Vertebrata: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals.

Practical Lessons:
Dissection of an insect. Observation of specimens belonging to different Animal Phyla using optical and stereomicroscopes. Use of a dichotomous key for zoological preparation determination. Techniques of breeding, maintenance, and manipulation of the model insect (Drosophila melanogaster). Techniques of dissection of invertebrates under the stereomicroscope. Theoretical and practical skills related to deparaffinization and subsequent staining of histological sections on slides for observation under an optical microscope. Theoretical and practical skills related to the correct use of the optical microscope for observing colored histological slides and tissue recognition.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile land and water animal life


Code A000405
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline biotecnologiche con finalità specifiche:agrarie
Sector AGR/16
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Lecturer Gianluigi Cardinali
  • Angela Conti (Codocenza)
  • Gianluigi Cardinali
  • 42 ore (Codocenza) - Angela Conti
  • 20 ore - Gianluigi Cardinali
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course is organized as follows:
- 2 CFU of lectures on all the topics of the course;
- 4 CFU of laboratory divided as follows: 3 CFU of exercises of quantitative microbiology in the classroom that the students will follow together and 1 CFU of Microbiology laboratory. For the credit of laboratory, students will be divided into groups (maximum 30 students per group) and will follow 3 guided exercises of 4 hours each.
Reference texts The reference text is "Biologia dei Microrganismi" by Gianni Dehò and Enrica Galli, published by Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
The Professor will provide students with educational materials, including lecture presentations and notes on quantitative microbiology, within the Unistudium platform.
Educational objectives The course represents the first laboratory course in the context of the bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology, focusing on models and basic techniques for the study of microorganisms and cell cultures. The main objective of the course is to provide students with the foundations to address the research in the field of microbial biotechnologies.
The main acquired knowledge will include:
• the basic knowledge on the peculiarities of microorganisms and their structural and functional properties;
• the knowledge on microbiological and mathematical models for the study of microorganisms in the laboratory;
• the knowledge of basic techniques for the study of microorganisms in the laboratory;
• the basic knowledge on experimental planning and analysis of biological data.
The main skills (i.e., the ability to apply acquired knowledge) will be:
• to applicate the acquired knowledge to solve practical problems related to industrial growth and biotechnological applications of microorganisms;
• to plan an experiment, from the sampling of microorganisms from the environment to their growth, isolation, and quantification in the laboratory;
• to convert data into a validated result in terms of statistical significance.
• to use the basic functions of MS Excel.
Prerequisites In order to understand and effectively apply most of the techniques described in the course, it is advisable to have completed the exams of General Biology, General Chemistry, and Mathematics. The topics covered in the module require knowledge of biological systems and processes, as well as the fundamental principles of chemistry necessary for understanding them at a molecular level. Additionally, solving problems related to the growth, selection and quantification of microorganisms requires that the student be familiar with the key mathematical and logical functions, essential for a successful participation in the course.
Teaching methods Lectures, written and oral review. Test for self-evaluation. Numerical exercises. Laboratory experiences.
Other information At the beginning of the course, students are encouraged to enrol through Unistudium, not only as the platform where educational materials are uploaded but also as the primary communication channel with the Professor. Regarding office hours, the Professor is available by appointment, to be scheduled in accordance with the other institutional commitments.
Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) who wish to utilize their certification for the completion of the module must notify the SLD coordinator for the Department of Chemistry, Biology, and Biotechnology. The coordinator will provide all specific instructions to the Professor accordingly.
Learning verification modality The present module is part of the integrated course " Laboratory of Biotechnologies" The assessment for the exam includes a written test and an oral interview. The exam grade will result from the average of the grades obtained in each of the two modules. To facilitate the student's credit acquisition, the possibility of a partial test is provided for both modules. The grade obtained in the partial test will be valid for one year for the completion of the exam.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD), visit the page
Extended program LECTURES (2 CFU):
Basic microbiological techniques: Introduction to the models of study of microorganisms and basic microbiological techniques; Culture media (definition, classification, sterilization and use); The isolation of microorganisms in pure culture (pure culture as a study model, isolation techniques); The quantification of microorganisms (viable counts and total counts, concepts and techniques; sterility in a microbiology laboratory: sterilization principles and techniques).
Quantitative Microbiology I (1CFU): Samples and media; Morphological recognitions; Introduction at the use of MS Excel for analysing biological data; Exercises in MS Excel on viable counts (spread-technique and pour-plate-technique); Exercise in MS Excel on total counts.
Quantitative Microbiology II (1CFU): Planning an experiment for the microbiological selection; Mathematical description of exponential growth; Exercises on exponential Growth Exercises (MS Excel); Mathematical description of arithmetic growth; Exercises on arithmetic growth (MS Excel).
Bioassays (1CFU): Introduction to bioassays and indirect measurements; Arithmetic Growth-Based Bioassays: techniques and problem solving (MS Excel); Bioassays based on the inhibition of microbial growth: techniques (Disc diffusion test; E-test; MIC assay; MBC assay) and problem solving (MS Excel).
Instrumental laboratory (1CFU): Microscopic observation of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms; recognition; isolation of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms in pure culture; analysis of macromorphologies; viable plate counts.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Responsible consumption and production

take action for the climate

Canale B

Lecturer Laura Corte
  • Laura Corte
  • 62 ore - Laura Corte
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course is organized as follows:
- 2 CFU of lectures on all the topics of the course;
- 4 CFU of laboratory divided as follows: 3 CFU of exercises of quantitative microbiology in the classroom that the students will follow together and 1 CFU of Microbiology laboratory. For the credit of laboratory, students will be divided into groups (maximum 30 students per group) and will follow 3 guided exercises of 4 hours each.
Reference texts The reference text is "Biologia dei Microrganismi" by Gianni Dehò and Enrica Galli, published by Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
The Professor will provide students with educational materials, including lecture presentations and notes on quantitative microbiology, within the Unistudium platform.
Educational objectives The course represents the first laboratory course in the context of the bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology, focusing on models and basic techniques for the study of microorganisms and cell cultures. The main objective of the course is to provide students with the foundations to address the research in the field of microbial biotechnologies.
The main acquired knowledge will include:
• the basic knowledge on the peculiarities of microorganisms and their structural and functional properties;
• the knowledge on microbiological and mathematical models for the study of microorganisms in the laboratory;
• the knowledge of basic techniques for the study of microorganisms in the laboratory;
• the basic knowledge on experimental planning and analysis of biological data.
The main skills (i.e., the ability to apply acquired knowledge) will be:
• to applicate the acquired knowledge to solve practical problems related to industrial growth and biotechnological applications of microorganisms;
• to plan an experiment, from the sampling of microorganisms from the environment to their growth, isolation, and quantification in the laboratory;
• to convert data into a validated result in terms of statistical significance.
• to use the basic functions of MS Excel.
Prerequisites In order to understand and effectively apply most of the techniques described in the course, it is advisable to have completed the exams of General Biology, General Chemistry, and Mathematics. The topics covered in the module require knowledge of biological systems and processes, as well as the fundamental principles of chemistry necessary for understanding them at a molecular level. Additionally, solving problems related to the growth, selection and quantification of microorganisms requires that the student be familiar with the key mathematical and logical functions, essential for a successful participation in the course.
Teaching methods Lectures, written and oral review. Test for self-evaluation. Numerical exercises. Laboratory experiences.
Other information At the beginning of the course, students are encouraged to enrol through Unistudium, not only as the platform where educational materials are uploaded but also as the primary communication channel with the Professor. Regarding office hours, the Professor is available by appointment, to be scheduled in accordance with the other institutional commitments.
Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) who wish to utilize their certification for the completion of the module must notify the SLD coordinator for the Department of Chemistry, Biology, and Biotechnology. The coordinator will provide all specific instructions to the Professor accordingly.
Learning verification modality The present module is part of the integrated course " Laboratory of Biotechnologies" The assessment for the exam includes a written test and an oral interview. The exam grade will result from the average of the grades obtained in each of the two modules. To facilitate the student's credit acquisition, the possibility of a partial test is provided for both modules. The grade obtained in the partial test will be valid for one year for the completion of the exam.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD), visit the page
Extended program LECTURES (2 CFU):
Basic microbiological techniques: Introduction to the models of study of microorganisms and basic microbiological techniques; Culture media (definition, classification, sterilization and use); The isolation of microorganisms in pure culture (pure culture as a study model, isolation techniques); The quantification of microorganisms (viable counts and total counts, concepts and techniques; sterility in a microbiology laboratory: sterilization principles and techniques).
Quantitative Microbiology I (1CFU): Samples and media; Morphological recognitions; Introduction at the use of MS Excel for analysing biological data; Exercises in MS Excel on viable counts (spread-technique and pour-plate-technique); Exercise in MS Excel on total counts.
Quantitative Microbiology II (1CFU): Planning an experiment for the microbiological selection; Mathematical description of exponential growth; Exercises on exponential Growth Exercises (MS Excel); Mathematical description of arithmetic growth; Exercises on arithmetic growth (MS Excel).
Bioassays (1CFU): Introduction to bioassays and indirect measurements; Arithmetic Growth-Based Bioassays: techniques and problem solving (MS Excel); Bioassays based on the inhibition of microbial growth: techniques (Disc diffusion test; E-test; MIC assay; MBC assay) and problem solving (MS Excel).
Instrumental laboratory (1CFU): Microscopic observation of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms; recognition; isolation of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms in pure culture; analysis of macromorphologies; viable plate counts.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure