Course name Biological sciences
Study-unit Code GP004022
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Valentina Poggioni
  • Valentina Poggioni
  • 21 ore - Valentina Poggioni
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Altro
Area Abilità informatiche e telematiche
Sector INF/01
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Computer architecture. Microprocessor and main memory. Secondary memories. Input/Output devices.
Operative system.
Word Processor.
The World Wide
Internet and computer networks.
Reference texts
Handouts provided by the teacher.
Educational objectives
At the end of the course the students will know the fundamentals of informatics on compuetr architecture, memories, input/output devices.
The students will be able to use the fundamental operations of a comnputer, will be able to create and delete folders, browsing the file system, manage the connected devises.
He/She will be able to use the main functions of worprocessing, like for example create and update a document using base formatting functions that also includes images and tables.
He/She will be able to use the main functions of spreadsheets, like for example import and organize data, create charts and plots, create simple functions and use statistical functions.
He/She will be able to use the main functions of softwares that can be used to prepare a presentation with simple formatting and graphical effects.
Teaching methods
In-class lessons and hands-on lessons in computer lab.
Other information
E-learning platform
Learning verification modality Multiple choices test
Extended program
Base concepts of computers and softwares: Hardware architecture. CPU, RAM, kind of memories, Input/Output devices. Software: system software and application software.

Operative system: general concepts and main operations of Windows SO, task, virtual memory, concepts of algorithm and program.

Word Processor: general concepts and characteristics; properties of characters, paragraph, sections (styles, alignments, heading and footnote, notes, summary, images, tables, symbols etc.).

Spreadsheet: cells (strings, constants, formulas), absolute/relative references, refernces to a rectangular area, functions, standard formats (char type, height, etc.) and special formats (numnbers, currency, dates). Graphics and plots: type of cahrts (histogram, bars, pies, etc.); data series: single and multiple; labels, titles, formatting.

How to create a presentation.

Elements of net communications: computers net, net classification, communication modes, devises

Internet: functioning principles and services: TCP/IP, IP address and DNS, Email, FTP. The World Wide Web: Client and server Web, browsers and their main functions, URL, Information search: search engines and boolean functions like "and", "or", "not".