Course name Physics
Study-unit Code A002576
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Fisica medica
Lecturer Roberto Tarducci
  • Roberto Tarducci
  • 42 ore - Roberto Tarducci
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2024/25
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector FIS/07
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents 1. Classical description of NMR;
2. Density matrix description of NMR;
3. Pulsed NMR
4. Applications
Reference texts MH Levitt - Spin Dynamics Basics of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (2nd edition) Wiley (2008);

C Costantinides "Magnetic Resonace Imaging - the basic" CRC Press (2014)
Educational objectives To understand theoretical description of NMR phenomenon and its medical applications.
The application will concern:
1. NMR spectroscopy in vivo;
2. study of the cerebral activation of the motor areas;
3. measurement of the brain water diffusion tensor.
Prerequisites Statistical physics, quantum mechanics, classical electrodynamics
Teaching methods Interactice lesson
Learning verification modality required to pass an oral examination
Extended program 1) Physical foundations of magnetic resonance imaging
a. Treatment of the physical foundations of magnetic resonance imaging;
b. Structure of an NMR scanner for clinical use;
(10 lessons)
2) Biophysical aspects of nuclear spin relaxation
a. Relaxation mechanisms;
b. Contrasts in T1, T2 and proton density;
c. Paramagnetic contrast media.
(2 lessons)
3) Reconstruction of magnetic resonance images
a. Magnetic field gradients and slice selection;
b. Phase and frequency encoding;
c. Trajectories in space k;
d. Spin echo sequence;
e. Images based on the gradient echo;
f. Bloch equation simulation.
(7 lessons)