Study-unit IoT and OT SECURITY

Course name Informatics
Study-unit Code A004651
Curriculum Artificial intelligence
Lecturer Leonardo Mostarda
  • Leonardo Mostarda
  • 52 ore - Leonardo Mostarda
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2024/25
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector INF/01
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction English
Contents Introduction to IOT
IoT basic concepts and protocols
Security in IoT
Privacy Issues in the IoT:
Building secure Cloud and Fog Computing based IoT Application
Industry 4.0 security
Reference texts Simone Cirani, Gianluigi Ferrari, Marco Picone, Luca Veltri. Internet of Things Architectures, Protocols and Standards. Wiley
B. B. Gupta, Aakanksha Tewari. A Beginner’s Guide to Internet of Things Security. Taylor and Francis
Smita Jain, Vasantha Lakshmi. IoT and OT Security Handbook. Packt Publishing
Educational objectives Critically discuss and understand IoT basic concepts and protocols
Understand and be critically aware of IoT security threats and the available security mechanisms for combating security threats
Critically discuss and understand the concepts of Lightweight Cryptography and Key Management for IoT
Understand and be critically aware of IoT and Blockchain integration challenges and current state-of-the-art solutions.
Critically discuss and understand the privacy issues and current solutions for IoT systems
Understand how to build secure Cloud and Fog Computing based IoT Application
Understand the role of IoT in Industry 4.0
Prerequisites None
Teaching methods - Lectures (ppt presentations)
- Seminars (questions and answers session)
Other information None
Learning verification modality Written exam
Extended program Introduction to IOT
Course information: resources, labs and exam
What is the Internet of Things?
IoT-enabled Applications
Home and Building Automation
Smart Cities
Smart Grids
Industrial IoT
Smart Farming

IoT basic concepts and protocols
Physical/Link Layer
Network layer
Transport layer
Application layer
Bluetooth and BLE
Interoperability and discoverability

Security in IoT
Security Issues in the IoT
Security Mechanisms Overview
Lightweight Cryptography
Key Agreement, Distribution, and Security Bootstrapping
Processing Data in the Encrypted Domain: Secure Data Aggregation
Blockchain and IoT integration

Privacy Issues in the IoT:
The Role of Authorization
IoT-OAS Application Scenarios
OAS: Delegation-based Authorization for the Internet of Things

Building secure Cloud and Fog Computing based IoT Application
Cloud Computing
Big Stream and Security
Fog Computing and the IoT

Industry 4.0 security
Understanding cybersecurity challenges in the age of Industry 4.0
Delving into Network Segmentation-Based Reference Architecture – the Purdue Model
Common Attacks on IoT/OT Environments
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