Course name Molecular and industrial biotechnology
Study-unit Code A003504
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Elisa Moretti
  • Elisa Moretti
  • 42 ore - Elisa Moretti
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector ING-IND/10
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course aims to provide an overview of the main existing and innovative technologies for the production of energy and biomaterials regulated by biotechnological processes.
In particular, the main processes of pretreatment and conversion of second and third-generation biomass in liquid and gaseous energy carriers such as bioethanol, biodiesel, biomethane and biohydrogen will be described. Some examples of biotechnological plants will be described and discussed with particular attention to methods of quantification and mitigation of the environmental impacts of biotechnological plants (e.g. odorous emissions).
The main topics covered are:
- methods for characterization of matrices entering biotechnological plants
- methods and techniques for pretreatment
- technologies for the production of biogas, biomethane, bioethanol, biodiesel and biohydrogen;
- technologies for the production of biomaterials;
- Odour impact of biotechnological plants.
Reference texts Teacher/Lecture Notes (pdf)
Educational objectives The aim is to provide students with knowledge and competence needed for Renewable Heat and Power systems design and energy performance of buildings. The sizing criterions for the main components of renewable energy plants will be acquired.
he aim of the course is to provide students with knowledge, skills and competence needed for analysis and management of the main types of biotechnological plants for energy conversion and for the production of biomaterials.
Main knowledge acquired will be:
types of raw materials that can be used as input to biotechnological plants;
types of processes and technologies available for the production of energy carriers and biomaterials
techniques for measuring and mitigating certain environmental impacts of biotechnological installations, such as odour emissions.
The main skills and knowledge acquired will cover:
laboratory methods and techniques for the characterisation of raw materials (e.g. residual biomass) entering biotechnological plants;
analysis of the main process parameters for the management of biotechnological plants for the combined production of energy and materials;
evaluation of the odour impact of biotechnological plants for the exploitation of residual organic biomass.
The course also uses the analysis of case studies and practical training also with the use of laboratory instrumentation.
Prerequisites In order to be able to understand and to apply the of the topics of the Course, students should know have the basic notions in the Organic chemistry and the main laboratory techniques.
Knowledge of these notions is a mandatory prerequisite for attending the course with profit.
Teaching methods Theoretical lessons and practical training
Field trips.
Learning verification modality The exam consists of an oral test.
The oral test consists of an interview of about 20-30 minutes long in order to verify the knowledge level and the understanding capability acquired by the student on theoretical and methodological contents.

The examination will also check the student communication skills and his ability in the exposure of the theoretical aspects.
Extended program The program of the course is divided into the Training Units (U. F.) described below:
(U.F. 0) Biotechnology for energy and sustainable development: The role of bioenergy- current status and future prospects; Biological processes for the production of energy and biofuels
(U.F. 1) Raw materials for biotechnological plants: description of the main materials that can be used for energy purposes; types, classification, main chemical-physical characteristics and main properties. Overview of the main laboratory methods and techniques for characterization.
(U.F. 2) Pretreatment processes and technologies: description of methods and reactors suitable for conventional and innovative physical and chemical pretreatment (size reduction and homogenisation; Steam Explosion; hydrolytic methods, low environmental impact methods using organic solvents (green chemistry) such as ionic liquids, crude glycerol and gamma-valero-lactone)
(U.F. 3) Bioethanol production processes and technologies: description of methods and reactors for hydrolysis, fermentation and distillation.
(U.F. 4) Processes and technologies for the production of biodiesel: description of methods and reactors for the trans-esterification of methanol using glycerin; description of methods of production of second and third generation biodiesel using FT reactors.
(U.F.5) Biogas and biomethane production processes and technologies: overview of anaerobic digesters and technologies and processes for upgrading biogas to biomethane (membrane systems, osmotic systems, cryogenic systems).
(U.F. 6) Processes and technologies for the production of biohydrogen: study of components for electrolysis and steam reforming plants for the production of renewable hydrogen from ligno-cellulosic biomass.
(U.F. 7) Purification techniques of energy carriers: biodiesel purification techniques, bioethanol, biomethane for the replacement of petroleum fuels.
U.F. 8) Processes and technologies for the production of biomaterials: reactors for the production of nanocrystalline cellulose, biopolymers and natural dyes.
(U. F. 9) Measurement and mitigation of the odour impact of biotechnological plants: methods of measuring the odour impact of organic biomass through dynamic olfactory analysis (UNI EN 13725:2004).
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 7;9