Course name Molecular and industrial biotechnology
Study-unit Code A002646
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Sabata Martino
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2024/25
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code A002647
Lecturer Paolo Gorello
  • Paolo Gorello
  • 36 ore - Paolo Gorello
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector BIO/12
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents - Generation of laboratory data and its critical interpretation.- Reliability of test results: precision, accuracy, sensitivity, specificity.- Quality management, predictive value and decision-making levels.- Units of measurement in Clinical Biochemistry, sources of preanalytical variability, reference values, Biological variability.- Principles and techniques for collecting, processing and storage of biological samples.- Methods used in Clinical Biochemistry:Centrifugation techniques, UV-Visible spectrophotometry and Spectrofluorimetry- Point-of-Care testing, Chemical dry state.- Clinical Enzymology.- Biochemical parameters. Markers of function and injury of tissue or organ with particular reference to markers of myocardial damage and markers of liver function.
- Description of the most used techniques in Clinical Biochemistry: Nucleic acids electrophoresis, Protein electrophoresis, Western-blotting , ELISA assay, RIA assay, Fluorescence Microscopy.- Basic elements of Molecular Biology (genome, gene, mutations, polymorphisms) and utilization of databases (eg. NCBI, Enseble Genome Browser, Globin Gene Server).- Integration between Clinical Biochemistry methods and Molecular Biology methods : Study of Hemoglobinopathies- Description of the most used techniques in Molecular Diagnostics:end-point PCR , Real-Time PCR, dHPLC, DNA sequencing (Sanger method) , NGS (Next Generation Sequencing).
Reference texts Slides and notes provided by teacher
Educational objectives The main aim of this teaching is to provide students with the theoretical principles useful to identify and analyze the sources of variability of laboratory data and to provide students with the theoretical principles needed to understand the applications and issues that underlie the methods most used in Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
The program includes the presentation of some investigation methods of laboratory, their application in the diagnosis of diseases. The main knowledge acquired will be:- Basic knowledge about the collection, processing and storage of biological samples.- Knowledge related to units of measurement in Clinical Biochemistry, sources of preanalytical variability, reference values, biological variability.- Basic concepts of reliability analytical precision, accuracy, sensitivity, specificity.- Basic elements about quality management , predictive value and decision-making levels.- Basic knowledge of Methods used in Clinical Biochemistry:Centrifugation techniques, UV-Visible spectrophotometry and spectrofluorimetry.- Basic knowledge of Clinical Enzymology: enzyme assay, markers of tissue and organ.
- Basic knowledge of Methods used in Clinical Biochemistry:
Nucleic acids and protein electrophoresis, Western-blotting, ELISA, RIA and TestFluorescence microscopy.
- Basic knowledge of Methods used in Clinical Molecular Biology:
End-point PCR, Real-Time PCR, dHPLC, DNA sequencing using Sanger method,NGS (Next Generation Sequencing).
- Basic elements of Molecular Biology (genome, gene, mutations, polymorphisms) and utilization of databases (eg. NCBI, Enseble Genome Browser, Globin Gene Server).
Prerequisites The course requires basic knowledge of Biochemistry, Cell Biology and Genetics.
Teaching methods Lectures on all subjects of the couse.
Learning verification modality Oral exam. The grade will average with the MOLECULAR TRANSLATIONAL BIOTECHNOLOGIES module.
Extended program - Generation of laboratory data and its critical interpretation.- Reliability of test results: precision, accuracy, sensitivity, specificity.- Quality management, predictive value and decision-making levels.- Units of measurement in Clinical Biochemistry, sources of preanalytical variability, reference values, Biological variability.- Principles and techniques for collecting, processing and storage of biological samples.- Methods used in Clinical Biochemistry:Centrifugation techniques, UV-Visible spectrophotometry and Spectrofluorimetry- Point-of-Care testing, Chemical dry state.- Clinical Enzymology.- Biochemical parameters. Markers of function and injury of tissue or organ with particular reference to markers of myocardial damage and markers of liver function.
- Description of the most used techniques in Clinical Biochemistry: Nucleic acids electrophoresis, Protein electrophoresis, Western-blotting , ELISA assay, RIA assay, Fluorescence Microscopy.- Basic elements of Molecular Biology (genome, gene, mutations, polymorphisms) and utilization of databases (eg. NCBI, Enseble Genome Browser, Globin Gene Server).- Integration between Clinical Biochemistry methods and Molecular Biology methods : Study of Hemoglobinopathies- Description of the most used techniques in Molecular Diagnostics:end-point PCR , Real-Time PCR, dHPLC, DNA sequencing (Sanger method) , NGS (Next Generation Sequencing).
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Good Health and well-being


Code A002648
Lecturer Sabata Martino
  • Sabata Martino
  • 57 ore - Sabata Martino
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline biologiche
Sector BIO/10
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Innovative biotechnologies for : (i) the study of the basic molecular mechanisms and molecular basis of pathologies; (ii) the development of translational systems to produce support tools for the diagnosis and therapy of pathologies and for industrial applications.
Reference texts Educational sources provided by the teacher
Electronic sources (;;
Educational objectives To enable them to link molecules structure and function with complex biological mechanisms and their translational applications (epigenetic mechanisms; gene editing; gene therapy; tissue engineering). To provide them with the basic knowledge of the experimental tools that make modern advances in scientific research possible.
Prerequisites Molecular Biology, Biochemistry,
Chemistry, Cellular Biology
Teaching methods Lectures will be made by using slides and movies. Some lessons could be dedicated to innovative issues also proposed by students, with the involvement of students themselves.
Practical lessons (3 CFU) will be held in the laboratory and will focus on basic methodologies such as transfection of nucleic acids on host cells and analysis of recombinant proteins by immunofluorescence.
Preparation of biohybrid systems with stem cells and biomaterials and evaluation of biological effects.
Other information It is planned a tutorial activity during the course and for students who request help for the preparation of the exam.
The student reception dates are available on the teacher's personal website.
Learning verification modality Oral examination.
The exam evaluation will be given by the average of the grade of the two modules.
The exam questions will cover the entire program.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or SLD, visit the page
Extended program Basic molecular mechanisms as a substrate for the development of applied biotechnologies with particular reference to applications in industry.
Epigenetics and Epitrascriptomics; Regulation of gene expression.
MicroRNA; long non-coding-RNA; EC-RNA. Molecular Mechanism of Gene Reprogramming.
Stem cells and biomedical applications. Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells.
Gene therapy. CRISPR molecular system.
Tissue engineering: applications of stem cells and polymeric biomaterials and nanocomposites for the generation of artificial tissues.
Basic biotechnologies such as transfection of nucleic acids on host cells and analysis by immunofluorescence of the recombined proteins produced with the previous technique.
Preparation of biohybrid systems with stem cells and biomaterials and evaluation of biological effects.