Course name Molecular and industrial biotechnology
Study-unit Code 80084606
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Laura Corte
  • Laura Corte
  • 52 ore - Laura Corte
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector AGR/16
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course is organized as follows:
- 4 credits of lectures in the classroom on the main aspects of industrial microbiology:
• Microorganisms of industrial interest;
• Microbial metabolites
• Industrial mutants and mutagenicity techniques;
• Fermentation biotechnology and types of conduction;
• Kinetic aspects of microbiological processes;
• Isolation of fermentation products (downstream);
• Fermentation plants;
• Microbial products.
- 2 CFU of laboratory exercises: students will follow an experiment of industrial microbiology starting from experimental planning to the analysis of the obtained data.
Reference texts M. MANZONI. Microbiologia Industriale, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Brock. Biologia dei microrganismi. Microbiologia generale, ambientale e industriale. Ediz. Mylab.
The Professor will provide students with educational materials, including lecture presentations and notes on quantitative microbiology, within the Unistudium platform. Materials consistent with the needs of disabled students and/or DSA are provided.
Educational objectives Knowledge of Industrial Microbiology and Fermentation Biotechnology is crucial in the training of a Biotechnologist. The course aims to illustrate to the student the processes and principles underlying the microbial or enzymatic production of metabolites of industrial interest and their use in the field of industrial biotechnology in the biomedical, pharmaceutical, food and environmental sectors. The laboratory exercises have the aim of deepening transversal skills and the ability to work in a team.
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of microbiology, biochemistry and mathematics. Ability to connect biological and biotechnological topics derived from biological matter.
Teaching methods Lectures, written and oral review. Test for self-evaluation. Numerical exercises. Practical exercises. Paths, materials and/or methodologies of assessment consistent with the needs of disabled students and/or DSA are provided.
Other information At the beginning of the course, students are encouraged to enrol through Unistudium, not only as the platform where educational materials are uploaded but also as the primary communication channel with the Professor. Regarding office hours, the Professor is available by appointment, to be scheduled in accordance with the other institutional commitments.
Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) who wish to utilize their certification for the completion of the module must notify the SLD coordinator for the Department of Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnology. The coordinator will provide all specific instructions to the Professor accordingly.
Learning verification modality The test includes a written test and an oral interview. Assessment methodologies consistent with the needs of disabled students and/or DSA shall be provided.
Extended program Main microorganisms of industrial interest.
Products of microbial metabolism: primary products and secondary products; control and regulation of microbial metabolism; strategies for the accumulation of microbial metabolites.
Sources of isolation, primary and secondary screening, mutagenesis, selection.
Substrates for industrial fermentations; use of biomass, residues and agro-food by-products to produce microbial biomass and "bio-based products".
Criteria for the classification and differentiation of industrial fermentations; kinetic aspects of microbiological processes. Type I, II and III kinetics; culture methods: solid state fermentation, surface culture, submerged culture; batch, fed-batch, continuous fermentation technology.
Industrial bioreactors; Sterilization of bioreactors and substrates.
Isolation of fermentation products (downstream) and determination of the biological activity of metabolites of microbial origin.
Immobilization procedures for microbial cells: Bioreactors for immobilized microbial cells.
Microbial products: amino acids, organic acids, enzymes for industrial use; recombinant proteins; antibiotics and anticancer drugs (Streptomyces); productions from microalgae, yeasts and fungi; products from biotransformation/bioconversion: pharmaceutical intermediates (API) and fine chemicals; energy from microbial biomass (bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas)
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure; 12. Responsible consumption and production.