Course name Human feeding and nutrition sciences
Study-unit Code A000786
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Valeria Negri
CFU 11
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code A000788
Lecturer Lara Reale
  • Lara Reale
  • Domizia Donnini (Codocenza)
  • 24 ore - Lara Reale
  • 16 ore (Codocenza) - Domizia Donnini
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector BIO/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Morpho-functional organization of plants; organs involved in synthesis of primary and secondary metabolites; transport and storage of metabolites. The main storage organs and their use for food, directly or indirectly; the development of seeds and fruits;  taxonomy of Magnoliophyta (Angiospermae).
Reference texts Fondamenti di Botanica Generale. Pancaldi S. Baldisserotto C. Ferroni L. Pantaleoni L. McGraw-Hill, 2023

Piante Alimentari - Biologia, Composizione chimica, Utilizzo.
Calogero Rinallo. PICCIN Nuova Libraria, 2018. 
Powerpoint slides provided by teacher.
Educational objectives The student will acquire knowledge about:- morpho-functional organization of plants;- characteristics of organs site of synthesis of primary and secondary metabolites;- transport and accumulation of metabolites;- the main storage organs and their use for food;- the development of seeds and fruits;- taxonomy of Magnoliophyta (angiosperms).The main skills (the ability to apply the knowledge) will be:- Identification of different types of fruit and seeds;- Identification of the plant species used for human nutrition.
Prerequisites Good knowledge of biology is required, both in cytology and biochemistry
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:- Lectures on all subjects of the course- Laboratory exercises at the " Polo Didattico di Microscopia” del Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, alimentari e Ambientali
Other information Availability of educational material in UniStudium platform.
Consulting hours: each wednesday from 11.30 to 13.30 or by appointment via
Learning verification modality The exam consists of a discussion of about 30 minutes long aiming to ascertain the knowledge level and understanding capability acquired by student on contents as indicated on the program. The oral exam will also test the student communication skills and his autonomy in the organization and exposure of the theoretical topics.
Extended program Morphology, cyto-histology and anatomy of vegetative and reproductive organs, with particular attention to those used as food (fruits, seeds, tubers, rhizomes, bulbs). 
Synthesis, transport and storage of primary (polysaccharides, lipids, proteins) and secondary (phenolic compounds, terpenoids, alkaloids, flavonols) metabolites.
Systematics of higher plants, with particular attention of species important for feeding such as Poaceae, Pseudocereals, Chenopodiaceae, Fabaceae, Feculiferous, sacchariferous, oleiferous, nervine, aromatic and spice plants. Other families: Fagaceae, Betulaceae, Juglandaceae, Moraceae, Cannabaceae, Rutaceae, Vitaceae.
Practical lessons: Identification and morphological characterization of plant organs. Cyto-histological observation of the same organs by MO. 
Identification through micro and macroscopical observations of the main morphological characters of some food species.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Health and wellness; quality education; Life on earth


Code A000787
Lecturer Valeria Negri
  • Valeria Negri
  • 48 ore - Valeria Negri
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector AGR/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Elements of fundamental biology (animal and vegetal cell, organula, tissues, organs, individual, populations, species, food chain). Heredity and variability, DNA and RNA: structure and functions, DNA replication; central dogma of molecular biology, protein synthesis and genetic code, organisation of heredity material, mitosis and meiosis, Mendel’s experiences, interactions among alleles at the same locus and at different loci, mutations (genomic, chromosomic, genic), quantitative traits, types of cultivated varieties, genetically modified organisms.
Wheat: food and nutrition.
Pulses: food and nutrition.
Brassicaceae: food and nutrition
Reference texts Reference text: "Genetica Agraria", Lorenzetti et al., Patron editore.

In Unistudium:connecting elements, Seminars and papers of interest
Educational objectives comprehension of
a) basic phenomena of life transmission,
b) diversity of food for a correct nutrition
Prerequisites basic knowledge of maths and biology
Teaching methods lectures and seminars
Other information
Learning verification modality Oral examination aimed at assessing knowledge and comprehension of the information provided during the course and capacity of putting them in relationship with the human nutrition.
Three questions on foundamental parts of the program will be asked to the candidate. However if the candidate will fail to answer the first question on basic concepts he/she will be invited to retire.
The length of the exam (for the part concerned genetics) is half a hour as an average.
The final mark of the entire course will be obtained as a weighted average of both the genetic and botany part
Extended program Elements of fundamental biology (animal and vegetal cell, organula, tissues, organs, individual, populations, species, food chain). Heredity and variability, DNA and RNA: structure and functions, DNA replication; central dogma of molecular biology, protein synthesis and genetic code, organisation of heredity material, mitosis and meiosis, Mendel’s experiences, interactions among alleles at the same locus and at different loci, mutations (genomic, chromosomic, genic), quantitative traits. Origin of our food: types of cultivated varieties. Genetically modified organisms.
Wheats and gluten.
Brassicas and glucosinolates.
Legumes: nutritional value and biofortification.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 2,3,12