Course name Medical, veterinary and forensic biotechnological sciences
Study-unit Code A001784
Curriculum Veterinario
Lecturer Andrea Verini Supplizi
  • Andrea Verini Supplizi
  • 52 ore - Andrea Verini Supplizi
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2024/25
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector AGR/19
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction English
Contents Principal biotechnologies applied to animal breeding, including procedures used for genetic improvement of farm animals.
Reference texts Genetics and genomics 3, Barcaccia Falcinelli, Ed Liquors 2007


handouts lessons, online material,
Educational objectives The student has to acquire basic knowledge on the principal biotechnologies applied to animal production including aquatic organism. Moreover, the impact of biotechnology on animal weklfare, animal breeding and food safety

The main skills are:

DNA extraction up to the execution and interpretation of PCR

Recovery and evaluation of female gametes

These skills will be acquired and evaluated during laboratory exercises
Prerequisites Essential knowledge of Cellular Biology (meiosismitosis),
basic knowledge of animal anatomy and physiology,
molecular biology
Teaching methods Face-to-face
Other information Optional courses:
Molecular genetics in veterinary medicine,
Biotechnology in animal reproductio
Learning verification modality The test aims to assess whether the student has
acquired knowledge related to:
Biotechnology techniques applied to farm animals in
relation to their applicability and impact on improving genetics, animal welfare and consumers of food derived from them.
The main skills are:
DNA extraction up to the execution and
interpretation of PCR
Recovery and evaluation of female gametes
These skills will be evaluated during practical work.
The oral test on dates indicated in the calendar of
the exams, the duration is about half an hour.
The rating is agreed between the teachers making
up the commission.
Extended program Introduction to biotechnology
Utilisation of biotechnologies and Environmental impact
Reproductive Biotechnologies
Cryoconservation of gametes
Embryo Sexing
Sperm Sexing
Reproductive Cloning by blastomere and somatic cells
Non reproductive cloning by somatic and stem cells
Transgenic animals: transfer of gene construct:
Transgenic animals: applications in animal production
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 9