Course name Sciences of education
Study-unit Code A000214
Curriculum Educatore professionale socio-pedagogico
Lecturer Andrea Possieri
  • Andrea Possieri
  • 54 ore - Andrea Possieri
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline storiche, geografiche, economiche e giuridiche
Sector M-STO/04
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents After several introductory lessons, this course will focus on the analytical categories necessary to understand and to answer the fundamental questions posed by XIXth - XXth century political history, from an italian and european perspective.
Reference texts 1. G. SABBATUCCI – V. VIDOTTO, Il mondo contemporaneo, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2019 (rist. 2022). In particular, the chapters: 1-18, 19-20, 22-26 e 29).

2. A. POSSIERI, Il Peso della storia. Storia, memoria, identità dal Pci al Pds, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007.
Educational objectives The student will master the most important historical-political episodes in the current debate on the contemporary history.
Ability to employ the conceptual tools and analytical categories used during lessons, knowledge of major historical facts and their immediate and remote causes and consequences, correct use and knowledge of historical maps, ability to critically and autonomously organize textbook content and to recognize the historical roots of contemporary conflicts and social problems.
Prerequisites No.
Teaching methods Face to face lessons, seminars, dvd projections, tests.
Other information There will be some conferences.
Learning verification modality The exam is for an intermediate written test (20 questions: 6 multiple choice, 13 single choice, 1 open answer) and an oral exam at the end of the course which consists of a discussion on the topics covered during the course. The oral exam serves to ascertain the level of knowledge, the ability to understand and the language and exposure properties achieved by the student.
Extended program Lessons will focus on the analytical categories necessary to understand and to answer the fundamental questions posed by XIXth - XXth century political history, from an italian and european perspective.
The relevant introductory topics of XIXth century history are: the crisis of multinational empires and the birth of national States in Europe, the birth of major political ideologies, colonialism and imperialism, the evolution of european constitutional systems.
The XXth century is the true core of the course and major events will be treated extensively: the two World Wars, the russian revolution, the crisis of democracy and the birth of totalitarian systems, the cold war and its consequences in Europe and abroad, the process of European integration, foundation and evolution of the italian republican political system, the fall of the Berlin wall. A specific study will concern political education in the 20th century: the case of the PCI.

Digital Information Service by Lidia Pozzoblu - Thanks to Aldo Bizzilupo for Web site and other technical assistance.