Study-unit Educational models of lifelong learning

Course name Educational counselling and coordination of pedagogic practices
Study-unit Code A003365
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
CFU 12
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata

Educational models of lifelong learning - Module I

Code A003388
Lecturer Rosario Salvato
  • Rosario Salvato
  • 36 ore - Rosario Salvato
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline pedagogiche e metodologico-didattiche
Sector M-PED/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian language.
Contents The relation between adults and education to lifelong learning strategy.
Reference texts S. Premoli (a cura di), Il coordinamento pedagogico nei servizi socio educativi, Franco Angeli, Milano 2008.

V. Iori (a cura di), Educatori e pedagogisti. Senso all’agire educativo e riconoscimento professionale, Erickson, Trento 2018.

I Piano Sociale della Regione Umbria (2000-2012), II Piano Sociale della Regione Umbria (2010-2012) and Nuovo Piano Sociale della Regione Umbria (2017-2019) are required. Available at:
Educational objectives Knowing the Lifelong learning as a guide-line Knowing Application areas of didactics: curriculum planning and methodological dimension
Being prepared to become the owner of the kind of knowledge that represents the spendable resource in every circle of life
Prerequisites You should take the examination Progettazione e organizzazione dei servizi socio-educational, which is part of the three-year course in Scienze dell’educazione.
For students from other graduate courses, contact the Teacher to structure specific orientation paths.
Teaching methods Didactic models/planning
The course is made up of:
- Classes (compulsory) on all themes of the course
- workshops and practice for those students who attend in order to make a socio-educational project.
Other information Attendance is not compulsory but advisable.
Learning verification modality The test, which is oral and lasts about 15/20 minutes, is aimed at checking the knowledge students have acquired during the course, the ability to elaborate and internalize the contents, the ability to communicate and use the proper vocabulary.
Extended program The relation between adult and education is complex and has to be analyzed in front of variables like the employment issues e the possibilities for the people to access to the lifelong learning strategies. The course will analyze prospective, problems e opportunities in the knowledge society, always remembering the importance of all the persons involved in education. 
Citizens, Institutions, social groups and school staff, play a central role for the person in the way to the lifelong learning.

Welfare Systems Module II

Code A003390
Lecturer Rosario Salvato
  • Rosario Salvato
  • 36 ore - Rosario Salvato
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline pedagogiche e metodologico-didattiche
Sector M-PED/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian