Course name Educational counselling and coordination of pedagogic practices
Study-unit Code A003627
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Alessandro Clericuzio
  • Alessandro Clericuzio
  • 36 ore - Alessandro Clericuzio
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector L-LIN/11
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction English
Contents American Literature: its canon, violence and YAL.
Reference texts Erasmus students should read: Mark Twain , "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" in the 4th Norton Critical Edition (published 2021), available for about 11€ on Amazon or other sites. The assignment includes the whole novel AND the critical essays by these authors: Toni Morrison (pages 393-401; David L. Smith (pages 405-419); Thomas Cooley (pages 445-455) and Andrew Levy (pages 456-462).
Educational objectives Students are supposed to gain knowledge of the American literary canon and to be able to use critical means to interpret it.
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Teaching methods Traditional classes, laboratories, workshops and audiovisual supports.
Other information ERASMUS students should read: Mark Twain , "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" in the 4th Norton Critical Edition (published 2021), available for about 11€ on Amazon or other sites. The assignment includes the whole novel AND the critical essays by these authors: Toni Morrison (pages 393-401; David L. Smith (pages 405-419); Thomas Cooley (pages 445-455) and Andrew Levy (pages 456-462).
Learning verification modality Oral exam or 40-minute presentation.
Extended program ERASMUS students should read: Mark Twain , "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" in the 4th Norton Critical Edition (published 2021), available for about 11€ on Amazon or other sites. The assignment includes the whole novel AND the critical essays by these authors: Toni Morrison (pages 393-401; David L. Smith (pages 405-419); Thomas Cooley (pages 445-455) and Andrew Levy (pages 456-462).
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Quality Education

Digital Information Service by Lidia Pozzoblu - Thanks to Aldo Bizzilupo for Web site and other technical assistance.