Study-unit Applied Criminology

Course name Investigation and security sciences
Study-unit Code 41000029
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Sabina Curti
  • Sabina Curti
  • 54 ore - Sabina Curti
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2024/25
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline sociologiche
Sector SPS/12
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents 1. Applied criminology: epistemological and methodological issues; 2. Prison, restorative justice and criminal mediation; 3. Forms of violence; Domestic, gender and sexual violence; 4. Corruption and organized crime; 5. Violent cosmologies and analysis of criminal behavior
Reference texts For reference texts in English or other language, please contact the teacher
Educational objectives 1. Applied criminology: how to research and intervene on the problems of deviance and crime in society
2. Prison
3. Forms of violence; Domestic, gender and sexual violence
4. Corruption
5. Violent cosmologies and analysis of criminal behavior
6. Restorative justice and criminal mediation
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of criminological and sociological theories
Teaching methods Lectures
Interactive seminars
Open seminar-style lectures with audiovisuals
Reflexivity exercises
Research exercises and project work
Other information In-depth seminars on the topics of deviance and crime will be conducted during the course.

For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA visit
Male and female students with disabilities and/or DSAs are asked to contact the lecturer at the beginning of the course.

"In the event that the student intends to anticipate the exam in a year prior to the one scheduled in the study plan, it is recommended that he/she attend the lecture series and take the exam in the first useful call after the lectures themselves have ended, thus respecting the semester of the teaching schedule."
Learning verification modality The test will consist of an examination to assess overall:
- the understanding and knowledge of the course issues;
- the ability to critically analyze with respect to criminological problems from scientific, ethical and social perspectives;
- the ability to use sociological and criminological language with respect to the phenomena investigated.

For FREQUENTING and NON-FREQUENTING students, the test is written and is structured as follows:
- a part with open and closed questions;
- a project work part on one of the paths of your choice from the program.
Extended program At first, in an extended and analytical manner, the course deals with the origins and developments of applied criminology and some issues of the profession in the Italian landscape.
In a second moment, some areas of intervention and analysis of criminology are analyzed, with a focus on prevention, and aimed at the students' completion of a project work.