Course name Assessment of individual functioning in clinical and health psychology
Study-unit Code 40999309
Curriculum Curriculum ii
Lecturer Carlo Garofalo
  • Carlo Garofalo
  • 54 ore - Carlo Garofalo
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Psicologia dinamica e clinica
Sector M-PSI/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian.
Contents The course aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills regarding:
- the guidelines for planning and evaluating psychological interventions in different contexts in the field of clinical and health psychology;
- the main research designs used in the development and evaluation of psychological intervention projects;
- the main notions in studying the effectiveness of psychotherapy and how these can be translated into different contexts;
- the writing and presentation of research projects to obtain funding based on competitive calls.
The final program will be communicated at the beginning of the course and made available on course page of the UniStudium website.
Reference texts [students with limited understanding of the Italian language should contact the teacher for alternative readings in English]

Leone, L., e Prezza, M. (2005). Costruire e valutare i progetti nel sociale. Franco Angeli.
Del Corno, F., Lo Coco, G. (2018). Disegni di ricerca in psicologia clinica. Franco Angeli.
Dazzi, N., Lingiardi, V., Colli, A. (2006), La ricerca in psicoterapia. Modelli e strumenti, Raffaello Cortina Editore. Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 12.

Lecture slides (available on the UniStudium page of the course).

Any additional material posted on the course's UniStudium page under "Materiale d'esame".
Educational objectives The main objective of the course is to provide students with knowledge and skills regarding the planning of psychological interventions and their evaluation.
Specifically, the objectives of the course are defined as follows with reference to the following domains: - Knowledge and understanding: allow the student to achieve the fundamental knowledge to identify areas and possible methods of intervention in the field of clinical and health psychology; - Applying knowledge and understanding: allow the student to apply this knowledge to develop an intervention project;- Making judgments: the student will be able to integrate the acquired knowledge to critically evaluate the characteristics of various psychological interventions and related effectiveness studies;- Communication skills: provide students with the specific skills and terminology that will allow them to present their project ideas to interlocutors involved in various roles for the successful outcome of an intervention; - Learning skills: allow the student to transfer the acquired knowledge and skills to independently keep themselves updated on the literature on the design and evaluation of psychological interventions that use various methodological approaches.
Prerequisites To understand the planning and evaluation of psychological interventions, it is advisable to have a basic knowledge of the main intervention models and assessment instruments.
Furthermore, it is advisable to be able to read and comprehend scientific articles in English.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:
- classroom lectures focused on the course topics;
- group work on the course topics with on-site supervision and plenary discussions;
- presentation of group work and debate.
Other information During the course, the student can check the course material and any announcements/notices from the lecturer on UniStudium.
Learning verification modality For attending students (on campus or remotely with permission) who want to work on a group project:
• 50% of the final grade will be based on a final written exam consisting of:
o 20 multiple choice questions with 3 choice options (only one correct answer, each question is worth one point, no point deductions for incorrect or missing answers, for a maximum of 20 points)
o 1 open question evaluated from 0 to 11 (the extra point is valid for the attribution of honors in case of an overall score equal to 30/30).
• 50% of the final mark will be based on a group project with presentation in the classroom according to the instructions on the UniStudium page of the course, with evaluation out of thirty and the possibility of Cum Laude (see the "Project Template" file for more details).

If a student refuses the grade obtained for the group project (the choice falls on the individual and should not be taken as a group in its entirety), he will have to take the exam according to the procedure described below and will not be able to go back in his choice.

For non-attending or attending students without a mark for the group project (because the mark was not carried out, insufficient, or refused):

• 20 multiple choice questions with 3 choice options (only one correct answer, each question is worth one point, no point deductions for incorrect or missing answers, for a maximum of 20 points)
• 4 open questions evaluated from 0 to 11 (the extra point is valid for the attribution of Cum Laude in case of an overall score equal to 30/30).

In case of repeated attempts, the grade received at the last attempt, and not the highest grade, remains valid.

On the day of the exam, please check the classroom where the exam will take place on the timetable board at the Department entrance or on the daily lecture timetable on the website

The written exam will be administered face-to-face on a personal electronic device using the UniStudium platform with Safe Exam Browser/SEB. Further information and test files are available on the UniStudium page of the course to ensure that the SEB works on your device and to familiarize yourself with the UniStudium exam platform.

Anyone who does not have the opportunity to use their own electronic device can take the exam at one of the LIDU (Computer Lab of the Humanistic Departments) stations after having completed the recognition procedures in the classroom and at the time indicated in the calendar. In order to reserve a seat at the LIDU it is necessary to request it, indicating it in the notes at the time of booking the exam.

Further information will be published on the exam booking page on the SOL and on the UniStudium page of the course.

Exam duration:
• Attending students with project: 40 minutes
• Non-attending or attending students without a project: 1 hour and 10 minutes
• Students with DSA certification: + 30% of the time available (with project = 55 minutes, without project = 1 hour and 35 minutes)

Students with disabilities and/or with DSA are invited to visit the webpage dedicated to the tools and measures provided ( and to agree in advance on what is necessary with the teacher. Student workers or students with other special needs are also invited to contact the teacher in advance to agree on what is necessary.
Extended program 1. The contemporary debate on psychotherapy research
2. History of psychotherapy research
3. Empirically supported treatments vs empirically supported relationships
4. Indications for a good research methodology
5. Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods in clinical psychology research designs
6. Read and understand a psychotherapy research article
7. Build and evaluate clinical and health psychology projects (approaches, models, and steps)
The final program will be communicated at the beginning of the course and made available on course page of the UniStudium website.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 3. health and well-being