Course name Business administration
Study-unit Code 20A00074
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Federica Innocenti
  • Federica Innocenti
  • 42 ore - Federica Innocenti
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector IUS/04
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Business contract law
Reference texts Suggested text: A. LUMINOSO, F. MARTORANO, G. RACUGNO, Contratti d'impresa e operazioni bancarie (estratto dal Manuale di diritto commerciale, a cura di V. Buonocore), Giappichelli, 12 ed., Torino, 2015. This Parts are excluded: III Part, "LE BANCHE E IL MERCATO MOBILIARE", limited to Sezione I e Sezione II- it must be done Sezione III; V Part, "I TITOLI DI CREDITO".
Alternatively: S. Monticelli-G.Porcelli, I contratti dell'impresa, Vol. I e Vol. II, Giappichelli, Torino, 2021.
Preparatory texts (alternatively): J.S. LENA AND U. MATTEI (EDS.), Introduction to Italian Law, Kluwer, 2002 AA. VV., Principles of European Contract law and Italian law, Kluwer, 2005 For the attendants the program is supplemented by the teaching material available online.
Educational objectives The course aims to provide basic legal skills in business contract law, in order to ensure students acquire specific knowledges of the most popular negotiation types in the business relationship, including through the analysis of contractual modules, discussion on contractual forms, case studies and interdisciplinary teaching moments. The frontal teaching will then be supplemented by seminars held by the teacher and professional consultants.
Prerequisites In order to be able to understand and to know how to tackle the course, students must have the basic notions of Italian legal system and sources of law.
Moreover students must have passed exams of "Principles of Civil Law" (Diritto Privato) and "Business and Company Law" (Diritto Commerciale).
This precondition is valid both for attending and not attending students.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows: Lectures will deal with all the issues and the topics regarding of the main features of business contract law, also for what concerned the main doctrines and jurisprudence, concepts and principles. The frontal teaching will then be supplemented by seminars and practice exercises, held by the teacher and professional consultants, consisting of the analysis of many case studies and contractual forms.
Other information
Attendance is not mandatory but highly recommended.
Learning verification modality The exam includes only the final oral test consisting of a discussion-interview on the topics discussed in-depth during the course and examined through recommended text.
Moreover this interview will verify that the student is able to communicate with method, propriety of language and exposure that he has acquired.
The duration of the test varies, depending on the performance of the student itself.
Extended program Exam schedule:
• Business contracts and business bargaining. The regulation of the contracts and the regulation of the business bargaining. Common principles for business bargaining and business contracts. Distinctions and classifications within business contracts. Typical and atypical contracts. The"contratto alieno" (The foreign contract: the Sale & Purchase Agreement, the Non-Competition Agreement, the Sale of the Company). Consumer law. Unfair clauses in contracts. The Consumer protection.
• The Sales contracts (artt. 1470- 1541 of the cod. civ.). The commercial distribution contracts. The "Contratto Estimatorio" (artt. 1556 ss. of the cod. civ.). The "Contratto di Somministrazione" (artt. 1559-1570 of the cod. civ.), The Concession of Sale; The Franchise agreement. The Lease contract. The Sale and Lease Back contract.
• The contracts for the execution of works or services. The Contract. The Subcontract. The Catering agreement. The Transportation agreement; The Deposit contract; The Deposit in the hotel and in the general warehouses; The Sponsorship agreements; The Insurance contract. The functions of the Insurance contract and of the Insurance company.
• The typical business contracts: The Mandate; The "Commissione" (artt. 1731 ss. of the cod. civ.); The Shipping; The Agency contract; The Mediation; The Current Account contract.
• The banking and financial contracts. The bank account regulations. The bank deposit; banking services. Loan contracts; The Loan account; The Bank Discount; The Bank Acceptances; The factoring; The forfaiting; The Swap. Consumer credit. Credit cards.
•The new "Code of business crisis and of insolvency": general principles.