Study-unit Society and emerging forms of violence

Course name Socioanthropological studies for integration and social security
Study-unit Code A003472
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Uliano Conti
CFU 12
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2024/25
Type of study-unit
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata

Forms of emerging violence II modul

Code A003474
Lecturer Uliano Conti
  • Uliano Conti
  • 54 ore - Uliano Conti
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline sociologiche
Sector SPS/07
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course analyzes tools and techniques useful to know violent dynamics, with reference to social contexts in which they persist over time, and with reference to sudden emergency situations.
The method for knowing violent dynamics is presented with reference to the main modalities to find information and data and for their rigorous use.
The course analyzes the ways to use adequate empirical bases, for the knowledge of social and political violence, in relation to different phenomena, such as terrorism, in order to develop procedures for combating vulnerabilities and for security.
Reference texts Conti U., 2022, ed. by, Le donne e i conflitti armati. Una riflessione su pace e sicurezza, Franco Angeli, Milano
Educational objectives The objectives concern: knowledge and understanding of emerging dynamics connected to violence.
In detail, the objectives concern: the knowledge and understanding of different social phenomena (political violence, terrorism, crime).
These objectives also concern: definition of sources for information and data in violent situations; understanding of terrorism; ability to manage and understand different kinds of violence.
In particular: objectives concern the knowledge and the ability to understand violent dynamics; and main case studies with reference to the Italian case; knowledge and understanding applied to the retrieval of information and data.
The objectives related to independent judgment - understood as the ability to produce autonomous judgments starting from the interpretation of a database, arriving at coherent reflections on social issues - concern the definition of a phenomenon as violence; and the methods of intervention.
With regard to communication skills - conceived as the ability to express information, ideas, problems and solutions to other interlocutors - objectives concern propaganda and communication in violent situations.
With regard to the ability to learn - understood as the ability necessary to advance in studies with a high degree of autonomy - the objectives concern the analysis of methods for dealing with violent dynamics.
Prerequisites knowledge of the methodology of social research; knowledge of the main of sociological theories
Teaching methods frontal lesson
Other information office hours: after class. Piazza G. Marzio 9, cap 0035, Narni (Italy). And-or on TEAMS.
And also contacting me by email: (Office n. 0744-763200)
Learning verification modality Oral exam
info for students with disability:

About Knowledge and Understanding – Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: Summary.
The exam verifies, with regard to knowledge and understanding, the knowledge of the methods and techniques for understanding information and data and the ability to understand the complexity of violent situations, both with reference to the definition of a phenomenon as violence, and with reference to techniques for managing violence of different kinds.
About Knowledge and Understanding – Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: Detail.
The exam verifies: knowledge and understanding of social and political violence; and the main case studies with reference to the Italian case; knowledge and understanding applied to the retrieval of information and data and their processing.
With regard to the independence of judgment occurs the autonomy of judgment on the definition of a phenomenon as violence; and the methods of intervention.
In this sense, independent judgment is verified - understood as the ability to produce autonomous judgments starting from the interpretation of a database, arriving at coherent reflections on social issues.
With regard to communication skills, conceived as the ability to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to other interlocutors, it should be noted that these communication skills are tested on: communication in violent situations; ability to propose solutions to complex social problems.
The ability to learn is understood as the ability necessary to advance in studies with a high degree of autonomy.
The exam verifies the ability to learn operating methods to face social and political violence and to interpret them.
In case a student intends to anticipate his/her exam in a year preceding the one it is scheduled in his/her curriculum, it is recommended to anticipate as well the attendance of the lessons and to schedule the exam in the first useful session after the lessons have been concluded.
Extended program The course analyzes different fields of research on violence, through procedures for processing information and data.
In the case of violence, social changes are read through the main fields of transformation: from cities to terrorism, from migration to war, the conceptualization of violence is proposed in a critical way. The critical reading deconstructs the main contemporary themes of violence, terrorism and threat. In this perspective, information and data management corresponds to the effort to overcome, through methodological rigor, the media narratives relating to some specific forms of violence.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Peace, justice and strong institutions

Sociology of gender violence I modul

Code A003473
Lecturer Silvia Fornari
  • Silvia Fornari
  • 36 ore - Silvia Fornari
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline sociologiche
Sector SPS/07
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course aims to:
- provide the theoretical and methodological tools to interpret the issue of gender-based violence, in the light of the transformation of contemporary socio-cultural contexts;
- provide information on the reality of gender-based violence with respect to Italian and world statistics.
Reference texts 1) Belluati M. (a cura di), Femminicidio. Una lettura tra realtà e rappresentazione, Carocci, Roma 2021;
2) Bourdieu P., Il dominio maschile, Feltrinelli, Milano 2009;
3) Fornari S., Masullo G. (a cura di), “Forme di violenza e rischi
per le persone”, in Sicurezza e Scienze Sociali, Anno XII, n. 3, settembre-dicembre 2023;
Per studenti Erasmus:
Bickerstaff L., Lowery Z., Gender-Based Violence and Women's Rights, Rosen Publishing Group, London 2017.
Educational objectives The course is aimed at the acquisition of:
- socio-cultural knowledge that allows us to interpret and understand the evolution of patriarchal culture and male domination in an integrated and interdisciplinary perspective;
- analytical skills related to the ability to apply acquired knowledge. In particular, it refers to the ability to read and interpret socio-cultural phenomena by carrying out empirical research activities and by reading academic and scientific texts and by analyzing educational materials of various kinds (multimedia and digital).
Ability to synthesize and create thematic and cross-disciplinary links of disciplinary content:
- autonomy of judgment, useful to read critically the most controversial and controversial issues of the discipline, also in relation to the development of public debate, also in order to elaborate and support one's own position supported by arguments.
- communicative, socio-relational and design skills that enable you to work individually and, in a group, and to communicate the concepts and ideas that are acquired and elaborated in an original way in an adequate and convincing manner. Ability to design innovative and targeted and targeted targeting actions.
- ability to learn to learn: to acquire the ability to continuously implement its knowledge base, making it spendable in the workplace and professional in general.
Prerequisites To be able to deepen and develop a critical analysis of the issues that will be addressed in the course, you must know the basics of general sociology.
In specific knowledge concerning socialization processes, social institutions, social roles and gender concept.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:
- classroom lectures on all subjects of the course;
- supplementary seminars that will be organized by the lecturer or his / her coordinators on issues of in-depth study.
Students with disabilities and/or with DSA are invited to visit the page dedicated to the tools and measures envisaged and to agree in advance what is necessary with the teacher ( e-dsa).
Other information Follow integrative seminars that will be organized by the teacher or by colleagues of the CdS on issues of deepening.
Frequency is strongly recommended but not mandatory.
Learning verification modality The exam includes an oral and / or exposure of a paper on a specific theme assigned, either autonomously or in groups. The oral exam in a discussion lasting about 15-20 minutes, aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge and understanding achieved by students on the theoretical and methodological implications mentioned in the program. The questions focus on the program as described by the teacher in the relevant data, taking into account to verify the communication skills of the student / or properties of language and autonomous organization of the exhibition, to the knowledge of the subject, the ability to reason, to the logic of 'argument and learning the method devised by the individual teaching.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or SLD, visit the page case a student intends to anticipate his/her exam in a year preceding the one it is scheduled in his/her curriculum, it is recommended to anticipate as well the attendance of the lessons and to schedule the exam in the first useful session after the lessons have been concluded.
Extended program - Patriarchal and misogynistic culture in Italy;
- gender culture and socio-cultural problems of social cohesion and integration;
- The condition of women and gender-based violence;
- Data on gender-based violence;
- The victimization process.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 5 - Gender Equality
10 - Reduce inequalities
16 - Peace, Justice and strong institutions