Course name Socioanthropological studies for integration and social security
Study-unit Code GP003160
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Simona Ronchetti
  • Simona Ronchetti
  • 54 ore - Simona Ronchetti
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2024/25
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector BIO/14
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction italian
Contents general concepts of tossicology, clinical toxicology, environmental toxicology, food toxicology, animal poisoning and toxins, forensic toxicology
Reference texts Tossicologia- Galli, Corsini , Marinovich, III edizione, PICCIN
Elementi di Tossicologia – Casarett & Doull, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.

All didactic material is available in Unistudium platform.
There are planned pathways, materials, and/or assessment methodologies consistent with the needs of disabled and/or DSA students
Educational objectives knowledge of toxicology, whatever the field of study is (environmental, food, forensic); gaining the ability to make a critical analysis in the field of toxicology,
making links across different fields in toxicology, with a special attention to the consequences for the society and the health of the individuals
Prerequisites general concepts of biology
Teaching methods face-to-face 45-minute lectures, with ample room for discussion, viewing videos related to the topic, written practice sessions within the course on specific subjects, and in-depth study through the preparation of essays. At the end of the course, an educational field trip is organized to assess environmental pollution indicators in an open field. This field trip is conducted under the guidance of colleagues in the ecology field, and it aligns with a similar educational plan in their course.
Other information Optional attendance. Office time, Perugia, P.le L. Severi 1, Department of Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacology Division, Bld D, 2nd fl, Fridays 10-11
Learning verification modality written 45 minutes exam, consisting of 31 multiple-choice questions with no penalty for incorrect answers. The questions cover all topics examined to test the ability to connect various areas of the discipline, with particular emphasis on the professional and sociological aspects.
There are planned pathways, materials, and/or assessment methodologies consistent with the needs of disabled and/or DSA students
Extended program general principles of toxicology (dose, exposure, risk, harmful effects); ADRs, antidotes and drug addiction; food toxicology, toxins and harmful microrganisms in food; animal venoms and toxins; ecotoxicology and environmental toxicology, air pollution and radiations, biomarker, pesticides, radiations, radon; collection of samples in forensic toxicology, analytical methods
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