Study-unit The worker protection in the market and in the relationship

Course name Socioanthropological studies for integration and social security
Study-unit Code A003030
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Stefano Cairoli
  • Stefano Cairoli
  • 42 ore - Stefano Cairoli
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2024/25
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline giuridico-politologiche
Sector IUS/07
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Birth, evolution and content of labor law. The sources of labor law. Concept, boundaries and typology of subordinate work. The establishment of the employment relationship. The rights of subordinate workers. The obligations of the employee. The causes of suspension of work activity and events modifying the employment relationship. Termination of the employment relationship. Contract types. The protection of the rights of the worker.
Reference texts G. Santoro-Passarelli, Diritto dei lavori e dell'occupazione, Giappichelli, last ed. (2022), with the exclusion of the trade union law part and chapters 18, 19, 46, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62.
Educational objectives The course aims to offer the student an overview, with different degrees of detail, of the main issues relating to labor law, with particular attention to the analysis of the law in force but without neglecting the evolutionary profiles and the de iure condendo perspectives. The aim of the course is to develop in the student a legal method of approaching the problems of labor law interest presented by everyday reality which allows to resolve each issue by correctly applying the notions learned. The baggage of knowledge and experience accumulated in the course of lessons will allow the student to take a position on controversial issues and to realize the legal consequences that derive from supporting one thesis rather than another.
Prerequisites In order to be able to understand and be able to deal with the course, the student must possess the knowledge of the institutions of private law and public law.
This prerequisite is valid for both attending and non-attending students.
Teaching methods All the tools presuppose and encourage the active participation of the professor's collaborators and students, in order to promote the understanding and explanation, also in the form of debate, of the possible legal interpretations and the consequent effects. Within the program, the objective pursued is the development of an individual method for the analysis of the regulatory-jurisprudential framework and a coherent oral presentation.
Other information Attendance is not compulsory but strongly recommended.
Learning verification modality The exam will take place through an oral exam aimed at ascertaining the degree of knowledge of the subject, the level of detail and the quality of the presentation

Students with disabilities and/or with DSA are invited to visit the page dedicated to the tools and measures envisaged and to agree in advance what is necessary with the teacher ( -dsa)
Extended program Birth, evolution and content of labor law. The sources of labor law. Concept, boundaries and typology of subordinate work. The establishment of the employment relationship. Economic rights. The classification and obligations of the employee. The powers of the employer. The personal rights of the worker. The working hours. The causes of suspension of work activity and events modifying the employment relationship. Termination of the employment relationship. Business crisis, insolvency and labor relations. Contract types. Smart working and the right to disconnect. Self-employment. Coordinated and ongoing collaborations. Hetero-organized collaborations. Contract certification. Work employed by the p.a. The protection of the rights of the worker.

Digital Information Service by Lidia Pozzoblu - Thanks to Aldo Bizzilupo for Web site and other technical assistance.