Course name Biology
Study-unit Code A001032
Curriculum Biosanitario
Lecturer Francesca Simoncelli
  • Francesca Simoncelli
  • 47 ore - Francesca Simoncelli
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline del settore biodiversità e ambiente
Sector BIO/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Instruments for the cytological and histological analyses: light and electron microscopy. Principles and methods of the biological sample preparation. Histomorphological stains. Technique for identifying the cellular or tissue constituents in situ: histochemical, histoenzymatic and immunohistochemical stains. In situ hybridization. Cytology diagnostics. Histopathology
Reference texts Material provided by the teacher
Educational objectives Expected learning outcomes:
- knowledge and understanding of the operating principles, tools, basic and advanced methodologies of cyto-histological investigation
- ability to acquire specific skills in the application of cyto-histological investigation tools and methodologies in the scientific-experimental, biomedical and environmental fields and the evaluation of the related results
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of Cytology and Histology, Anatomy, and Molecular Biology
Teaching methods The course is divided into:
- frontal lectures
- laboratory exercises focused on selected topics from the program
Learning verification modality The exam consists of an oral test aimed to assess the student's level of knowledge in the subject and their ability to summarize and articulate concepts clearly

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Extended program Instruments for the cytological and histological analyses: bright field microscope, dark field microscope, phase contrast microscope, fluorescence microscope, confocal microscope, multiphoton microscope, super resolution fluorescence microscope, transmission and scanning electron microscopes

Methods of preparation of cytological and histological specimens: fresh specimens, fixed specimens (sampling, chemical and physical fixation, embedding in paraffin wax, epoxy and acrylic resins, sectioning, chemistry of staining, common laboratory stains)

Histomorphological, cytochemical, histochemical, histoenzymatic and immunohistochemical stains. In situ hybridization

Cytology diagnostics: material collection; slide preparation; sample fixation; staining of the cytology smears; smears examination

Histopathology: histopathological analysis in the diagnosis of infectious diseases and environmental studies