Due seminari del Prof. Jake Ansell, University of Edinburgh Business School, Visiting Researcher al Dipartimento di Economia.

MARTEDI’ 3 maggio ore 14:30 – 16:00 Aula Salzano
Understanding Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME) Performance

Abstract: Small and Medium Sized Enterprises are crucial to most countries due to their contribution to the economy. Yet there are many issues with understanding SMEs. They are a heterogeneous group covering most industrial sectors, varying size, diverse goals etc. We often try to treat them as a single entity. This talk will cover SME ecology and their behaviour as they mature. It will look at the role of the goal of the owners/managers how this defines the strategy of the SMEs. The role of government and regulators will be examined.

MERCOLEDI’ 4 maggio ore 12:15 – 13.45, Auletta 23
Modelling Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Performance

Abstract: The prime interest of this talk is to measure the Probability of Default (Failure). This is of interest since SMEs form the backbone of most countries. Failure of SMEs has a significant effect therefore to the economy. The data comes from the first part of the ‘credit crunch’. Four alternative models are considered for modelling behaviour. These of Logistic Regression, Panel Logistic Regression, General Additive Models and Contagion Modelling. The modelling leads to greater understanding of the performance of the SMEs.

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