E' attivo un accordo tra il Dipartimento di Economia e ARPM (Advanced Risk and Portfolio Management)che prevede il riconoscimento di CFU (da concordare con la commissione paritetica) per gli studenti del corso di laurea magistrale in Finanza e Metodi Quantitativi per l'Economia che partecipano al Bootcamp.
In 6 intense days, the Advanced Risk and Portfolio Management (ARPM) Quant Bootcamp
- Provides a broad overview of modern quantitative finance, across asset management, banking and insurance;
- Enables understanding of inter-relationships between topics across theory and implementation.
50 hours of instruction (lectures and review sessions). Topics include:
- Data science and machine learning
- Market modeling
- Factor modeling
- Portfolio construction
- Algorithmic trading
- Investment risk management
- Liquidity modeling
- Enterprise risk management
- Virtual Classroom: online venue to socialize with fellow Bootcampers and ARPM instructors
- Social Mixer: an informal gathering to mingle, chat, play, share memories, and take photos in our booth
From home - Online
Upon enrollment you get access for 3 months:
- Curated Bootcamp Video lectures
- ARPM Lab: theory, case studies, data animations, documentation, code, slides, exercises
- Virtual Classroom: preparation tips, subject matter Q&A Forum
In operation since 2007, with thousands of alumni globally including industry leaders and academics.
For further details please contact Dr. Marco Nicolosi.